The much anticipated birth of 9 bouncing baby piglets happened this past Monday. The event created quite a stir, as folks around campus organized a pool that included date of birth and number of piglets. (The parameters were controversial, as it took considerable negotiating to work through the issue of live births vs. surviving piglets). But in the end, Spencer and Annie split for the correct date, and Tiffany, Alex, and Noel all predicted the correct number of live births. As master of all things farm and livestock on campus, Joseph was disappointed with his miscalculations. But he vowed, with a sunny optimism only Joseph can muster, not to be outdone next time!
Tag Archives: Symington
The IS Band Rocks Deep Creek Conch Fest
The Island School’s Spring 2010 band, under the pseudonym The Project IS, played a 40 minute set for Deep Creek’s Homecoming celebration this past Saturday night. Despite only an hour and a half of practice time, the Continue reading
The value of our research program
So I composed some of my thoughts today for an article my college is writing about David Philipp and me. (We’re both Lafayette College alum and are now the Chief Scientist (and SP’10 parent) and Research Coordinator for the CEI/IS programs, respectively.) I was rolling Continue reading
Equinox observed

So I just wanted to share with you a little tidbit that I shared with the students the other day at dinner circle. It starts with what should be a simple question:
Who can tell me why we call spring, “spring”? Anyone?
I certainly didn’t know the answer until Continue reading
Ritual, Community and Coming of Age
In his cacique update last night, Peter elegantly described our end of orientation commencement ceremony. And the poesy he employed for the day could not have been more apt.
To me, last night’s ceremony was an important ritual at a critical point in the semester–the students have just spent the past two weeks getting to know this place and each other. They kayaked in the Continue reading
A week of adventure begins.
Oh what a night!

Wow! What a wonderful way for the students to spend their first night off. Last night we traveled to Rock Sound to watch a local slow-pitch softball game. The league leaders, the Rock Sound Defenders, lost an exciting bout against Continue reading