Tag Archives: cacique

Cacique update – March 8, 2010

Yesterday was the second day of SCUBA week. We got to sleep in a little bit and everyone was on time to morning circle at 7:30 which means we are one pebble closer to a party! Yesterday all the SCUBA groups went out for two dives. In the morning, two groups saw a hammerhead shark at the Saddle, and in the afternoon another group got to also see the hammerhead. Most groups made it down to 35 feet at Tunnel Rock. From what we’ve heard everyone had a great experience diving and can’t wait to get back out today. Props to G-Rap!

-Maddie H. and Luke S.

Cacique Update- March 4, 2010

Island School's wind generator produces energy for our campus on a blustery day

By 7:30 a.m. all 47 students had successfully lapped Triangle Cut for our first time. We woke up to a cold and windy morning but by the time we were in the water at Triangle Cut, we remembered that we were in The Bahamas. In order to refuel, we got a little creative with our oatmeal: Nick put peanut butter and jelly on his! We had a long day establishing our senses of place and community by first learning Continue reading

Cacique Update – March 2nd, 2010

The whole group on boys' dorm beach

Today was the first formal day of The Island School.  Our day began at 6:30 am; students had to meet in morning circle around the flag, where as Caciques Helen and I did count off, announcements, and led the group in singing the national anthem. After that we took a short jog to boys dorm beach where we circled up once more to do some IS jumping jacks, followed by putting on snorkels and masks, and plunging into the icy water (it has been colder than usual, so this required extra wits). Tthe group did some underwater exploration, and swam out into about 6 feet of water to see a boat wreck, where we observed several different species of fish, Continue reading