Cacique Update- March 4, 2010

Island School's wind generator produces energy for our campus on a blustery day

By 7:30 a.m. all 47 students had successfully lapped Triangle Cut for our first time. We woke up to a cold and windy morning but by the time we were in the water at Triangle Cut, we remembered that we were in The Bahamas. In order to refuel, we got a little creative with our oatmeal: Nick put peanut butter and jelly on his! We had a long day establishing our senses of place and community by first learning about each other in our “Who am I?” presentations, and then exploring our artistic abilities in an art class dedicated to drawing a living/once living organism we’d never seen before. After this, we received a better view into how our school’s systems work: water catchment, wind and solar power, and waste. To end our long day, we made the difficult decision of choosing our research topic choices. A difficult decision because they’re all so interesting, but in the end no one will be disappointed.

-Hannah Cope and Nick Lanza