Tag Archives: Island School

Meet Your Caciques of the Week!

This week’s Caciques finished off another great week. Here’s a little bit about them.


Name: Jessa
Where are you from?: Grand Rapids, MI
How did you find out about The Island School?: A lot of my family has gone– brother and cousins!
Name one thing not many people know about you: I have an obsession with painting my nails.
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: All the Harkness discussions we have.
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: Kristen Wiig or Nelson Mandela
Name: Sophie
Where are you from?: Lawrenceville, New Jersey
How did you find out about The Island School?: I’ve known about it a long time because I go to Lawrenceville
Name one thing not many people know about you: I’m able to snap my toes.
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: I knew it would be beautiful– but I didn’t know it would be this beautiful! I can’t get over the color of the water here.
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: Someone Funny– Jennifer Aniston!
Name: Scott
Where are you from?: Pennington, New Jersey
How did you find out about The Island School?: My friend that I sail with went.
Name one thing not many people know about you: I was the school spirit mascot
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: It’s a lot bigger than you would think, because “everywhere” is sort of your campus.
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: I would like to meet Andy Irons, professional surfer
Name: Jeremy
Where are you from?: Bronx, NYC
How did you find out about The Island School?: Girls from my boarding program went and Maxey is close friends with a director of my program.
Name one thing not many people know about you: I used to play clarinet
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: The essential vibe– it’s very open. The sense of community is very unique.
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: Definitely Leonardo Da Vinci…he’s been my favorite person in history, an awesome dude.
Name: Wyatt
Where are you from?: Newton, MA
How did you find out about The Island School?: My friend, Cam Gordon (my neighbor) told me to apply. He said he’d refuse to talk to me if I didn’t.
Name one thing not many people know about you: Not everyone knows I play the guitar.
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: I didn’t know that much about CEI, which is so cool!
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: Thomas Jefferson, because he was a founding father and brilliant!

Student Update: Dorm Living

A native of New York City, student Leo Batali found the quieter pace of life on Eleuthera an adjustment at first. A little over a month in to the semester, however, here’s what he has to see about his new home: the boy’s dorm.

Leo and fellow boy's dorm members Dakota and Wyatt dressed and ready for a recent World Cup soccer tournament.
Leo and fellow boy’s dorm members Dakota and Wyatt dressed and ready for a recent World Cup soccer tournament.

I have never lived with a group of kids in all my life, I have never gone away to sleep away camp, or gone to boarding school, every night I would come back to my house and sleep in my room in my bed with no one else in the house but my brother, my parents, my dog and I.  But coming from New York City I am constantly surrounded by millions of people: their yelling, their screaming, and their trash; but when I’m in my apartment I am secluded.  It is quiet, clean and organized and sorted the way the I like it, but even if I were to live on the hectic streets of the City it still would not compare to living in boys dorm.  It is by far one of the most fun experiences of my life.  You might think that living with the same twenty-seven boys for one-hundred days might get tiring and boring, but I can assure you it does not, at least up to the thirty-ninth day.  From the moments where everyone is freaking out about homework deadlines to singing and dancing to weird alternative music to rushing your personal space to get in the first shower of the day I am not able to get enough of boys dorm.

Leo Batali

Student Update: SCUBA diving

This week students have been busy putting their recently acquired SCUBA certifications to use in their Marine Ecology and Research classes. Here’s what students Delphine Carroll and Whit Swanson have to say about their diving experiences.

One of the highlights at the Island School for me has been the SCUBA diving experience. Getting certified opened up a whole new world to me underwater. As part of our Marine Ecology Class, we go diving to observe a section of a reef. Only a few feet in dimension, the patch reef that I was assigned to is small compared to the vast expanse of the ocean within which it sits; yet it is so abundant in life. Sea fans adorn the reef on all sides, waving like joyful flags in a parade. In the centre of the arrangement, sticking straight up, is a coral finger that surpasses the rest, forming the pinnacle of the structure. Fish of all shapes, sizes and colors dart around, peep out of holes, and weave between coral and algae, playing tag. Between the masses of network algae, barrel sponges rise up like clay lanterns with intricate designs carved into their walls. If you look around the corner of the reef, a shimmer of light pink and silver, like a hazy vision, hovers just above the rocks. It is a school of Masked or Glass Gobies, whose transparent outline tricks the eye at first, making them appear like phantoms in the forgotten castle of the reef. Around the top of the reef many blue fish, called Blue Cromis, create a false sky, while below in its hideout curtained by oatmeal algae, a big Spiny Lobster lurks, its probing antennas peaking out from the shadows. On one of the dives, during the last few minutes, two big porcupine fish swam out from the larger coral reef right next to mine and the pair swam a loop together. They then went back into their hiding place under a reef shelf, only to re-emerge a few seconds later and swim another loop. It was such an amazing thing to see. From the front, the fish looked like smiley-faces!

Delphine Carroll

Advisor Lisa and her advisees Nat, Margaret, Stephen, and Delphine contemplate diving.
Advisor Lisa and her advisees Nat, Margaret, Stephen, and Delphine contemplate diving.

I went scuba diving for the first time about three weeks ago. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life.  I was not feeling nervous all the way up until I had to put my head under water and breath. It was such a surreal time my dive instructor Rachel was so awesome to she made me feel most comfortable.  The first day of the three day classes was just skills and once we got those over with the third day we went on a boat and we got to do a back roll dive.  My dive buddy was Haley and we were a great team. We went to tunnel rock and Rachel took us through a coral reef tunnel. IT WAS SOO COOL!  We also saw multiple cool fish. Overall this at first nervous experience turned in to an incredible experience I will never forget.

Whit Swanson

Students in the Reef Fish research group take notes during class.
Students in the Reef Fish research group take notes during class.

Student Update: Research Class

Island School students have been busy these past few weeks with academics. With only two more weeks before 8-day kayak rotations start, classes are in full gear. Student Margaret Kelly reflects on a recent research class.

I have had many life changing experiences so far, but one experience so far has really stuck out and stayed with me. On one Friday during my research class, my group went out into the field. I am a part of the Deep-Sea Biodiversity research group and for our field day we were going out into the Exuma Sound to retrieve some traps. It was a beautiful day out with only a slight breeze, so I knew that it was going to be a very fun class. The process of retrieving our traps can be long and hard and sometimes we will sit out there for an hour rocking back in forth with the rolling waves watching hundreds of meters of line being coiled into our blue bins.

When we were at the 800-meter mark of our 1000-meter line, 4 of my fellow classmates, the intern helping us, and a visiting teacher all jumped in the water. We wanted to watch the traps come up from the deep blue abyss that we were currently hovering over. I had been snorkeling in a previous class out there, but not being able to see any bottom is a strange feeling. When you look down into the ocean all you can see is the light shining down into an endless vortex. After about 10 minutes of floating in this unreal place I noticed a white blob surface from deep bellow us. After about a minute of observing this strange thing, we all realized that it was part of the traps and that they were almost to the surface. It was absolutely incredible to witness our research actually happening. Once the traps got closer, I realized that what I had seen earlier was actually a Bathynomus giganteous that we had caught. For some reason, it was mind blowing to me to watch the traps surface.

While we were boating back to campus, I started to reflect on what we had just witnessed and also about what a great opportunity I have been given. I am in one of the most beautiful places in the world and I am going to school. For most people The Bahamas is a place for vacation, but for me it is my campus for everything that I am learning here. Our school days very rarely just involve sitting in a classroom because we are always using what is around us in order to learn more. This hands on learning style has definitely impacted me and I know that when I go home I will be able to take it with me.

Margaret Kelly

Margaret snorkels through the deep blue abyss.
Margaret snorkels through the deep blue abyss.
The trap coming up.
A deep sea trap on its way to the surface.

Student Update: A month in review

Tomorrow morning marks the end of Spring 2015′s first month! Here’s what student Tallis Blossom had to say about her first 30 days.

It’s fast here. Always something to do, someplace to go. It gets a bit hectic and stressful at times. But the overarching experience is amazing. Every day here is a new adventure (or five), and you have to be ready to roll with the punches. We’re over a quarter of the way through and it seems as though we’ve been here for a year and for a second, all at once. I feel like I have known these people my whole life, yet I know only the surface of so many of their lives. Each day I learn a bit more; the place unfolds and the people share more stories with me. I find myself falling in love with these people. With this place. Sure, it’s hard. Every day we learn new content, we reach deeper into ourselves to discuss Omeros in Literature and culture in Histories. We write about a higher level of the food chain for Marine Eco, sitting 40 feet beneath the surface of the water. Research hands us another scientific journal to summarize, and takes us out to sein in thousands of mojarra with the hope of catching even one juvenile bonefish. We run farther before breakfast, we study harder after dinner. Yes, it’s a place that forces us to search ourselves, to push ourselves and wonder and question and bond with each other. The tight scheduling forces me to not be homesick, which is nice, because if I take too long of a break, I begin to think about what everyone at home is doing. And while I will be excited to see everyone again, I need to enjoy this experience, to milk it for all it’s worth, because I won’t ever get it again. I’ve given myself 100 days to sink into the ocean, and go home more alive than ever.

Tallis Blossom

Tallis, Ellie, Maddy, Lucy, Jeremy, Tristan and Ashley show off their Antarctica garb for the recent Advisory World Cup soccer tournament.
Tallis, Ellie, Maddy, Lucy, Jeremy, Tristan and Ashley show off their Antarctica garb for the recent Advisory World Cup soccer tournament.

Staff Spotlight: Flora Weeks

FloraFlora Weeks joined The Island School as a math teacher this past fall after spending a year working in Maine at Chewonki. When not teaching math, Flora can be found leading kayak trips, monitoring the campus cistern system, and grabbing meals with her advisees.

Where are you from? Seattle, Washington

Where were you before this?  Chewonki Semester School, Wiscasset, Maine

What brought you to The Island School?  The people, experiential education, and the water!

What is your favorite dining hall meal?  Grits, Poached eggs, and Mooch’s hot sauce

Name one thing that not many people know about you.  My brother (age 22) and I still get santa photos taken every year

What is your favorite word?  Blizzard (mostly for the Dairy Queen treat, and the way you can shiver as you say it)

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?  Seattle Mariners scouting and stats

What are your top three movies of all time?  The Parent Trap (Lindsay Lohan version), Bull Durham, The Bourne Identity

What songs and/or bands have you been listening to lately?  Zac Brown Band, Devil Makes Three, and Taylor Swift

Flora poses for her Santa photo!


Student Update: Transitioning

Student Jeremy Diaz took a moment this weekend to reflect on his transition to The Island School and all that he has learned in his first month. Here’s what he had to say.

I came here blinded from the world beyond the city, now I have lifted my blinds. I’m originally from the big city of New York City. So, the closest thing to the great outdoors is going to the park. Within the first few weeks of coming to the Island School, I learned how to open up to the world around me, scuba dive and swim, at that order. I also can’t forget for kayaking and camping for the first time as well. The overall staff and classes that I am taking are guiding me to the path of self and world observation. I truly feel that coming here has entirely changed my outlook on life. When seeing things now, I just don’t see it; I analyze it and search for every aspect of it in order to create connections. For example, you might see a plant, but I see a primary producer who plays a key role in an ecosystem. It’s something about pushing your perspective that improves the way you see things. That is the difference between before and after the Island School experience. I feel that after this whole experience, I will take what I learned and try to share it with other people.

Jeremy Diaz

Jeremy, Raynooka, Maddie, Sophie and Margaret prepare to leave on their 3-day kayak trip.
Jeremy, Raynooka, Maddie, Sophie and Margaret excited to leave on their 3-day kayak trip.

Student Update: Rain Day

Island School students have been busy this week with classes, Community Outreach, and an advisory World Cup soccer tournament. Sometimes though, it’s the spontaneous, unscheduled events that can make a week. Lucy Zachau writes about one such moment.

No matter how old you are, no matter who you are, where you’ve been or where you’re going…rain is SO much fun. This was quite clear after last night, when campus experienced its first real rain storm of the semester. Two minutes passed after the first raindrop hit the decks before we stormed the flagpole. All 53 screaming students flooded to circle, sporting our finest spandex and sports bras, and of course, crocs. Screams were never ending, all you could feel was excitement, there was absolutely no way not to enjoy this moment. As the rain continued to fall, a circle formed out of all the chaos, and once again, we felt the excitement of one another. Screams were overwhelming, no longer was this playing in the rain, it was like a ceremony. Where we all felt like we were one, appreciating the rain, playing in the rain, feeling the cold drops hitting our sunburnt skin. I wasn’t thinking about school, or the swim the next morning, or the fact that I hadn’t even started my homework, all I was worried about was how loud I could yell, and that is exactly why I love Island School, because no where else can I appreciate a rainstorm with 52 other teenagers and not feel weird about it at all.

Lucy Zachau

Rain day

Stay tuned for more student updates throughout the semester!

Meet your Caciques of the week!

This week’s Caciques have been hard at work running daily circles, finding ways to make meal times more exciting, and acting as student leaders. A highlight of their week was a beautifully organized coffee house on Saturday night, hosted by Haley and Patrick. Congratulations and thanks for a great week!

Delphine Carroll
Where are you from?: Governors Harbor, Eleuthera
How did you find out about The Island School?: I live on the island : ) I came on a fieldtrip and saw a presentation
Name one thing not many people know about you: When I was little a cat taught me how to crawl.
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: The fun Saturday night activities!
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: Einstein!
Haley Taft
Where are you from?: Dover, MA
How did you find out about The Island School?: Both of my sisters went and we found out from family friends.
Name one thing not many people know about you: My nickname is after a comet– Halbop.
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: A lot of work. It’s hard, but it’s good!
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: My great grandmother, Maybel
Patrick Henderson
Where are you from?: Dedham, MA
How did you find out about The Island School?: A lot of my family has gone– brother and cousins!
Name one thing not many people know about you: I have an identical twin.
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: It’s a lot of work!
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: Neil deGrasse Tyson or Jon Stewart
Nick Brittain
Where are you from?: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
How did you find out about The Island School?: My cousin and both of my sisters came.
Name one thing not many people know about you: My mom grew up in Britain and Sweden and I hope to get dual citizenship from Sweden.
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: That I would be able to see so much wildlife– this morning I saw an eagle ray and a turtle!
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: Chris McCandles from the book Into The Wild.
Tallis Blossom
Where are you from?: Helena, Montana
How did you find out about The Island School?: Grandfather is friends with someone on the board.
Name one thing not many people know about you: She’s an excellent dancer and also hunts elk.
Name one thing you know about Island School that you didn’t know when you got here: There are no elk.
If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?: Madonna

Staff Spotlight: Alex Cook


The Island School is thrilled to welcome our newest faculty member Alex Cook this spring. When not advising and leading kayak trips, Alex can be found hard at work in the bike shed teaching students how to change a flat or fix a dropped chain.

Name: Alex Cook

Where are you from? Born and raised in Lancaster, Ohio

Where were you before this? Prior to my time at the Island School I lived in Ohio. Colorado, California (Southern then Northern), Chile, and Michigan.

What brought you to Eleuthera? The Island School’s educational philosophy and the sense of community here.

What is your favorite dining hall meal? BREAKFAST BURRITOS BABY!!!!!

Name one thing that not many people know about you. I climbed the Grand Teton (13,770′) unguided on the Lower Exum Ridge route in Grand Teton National Park.

What is your favorite word? Speleothem….this is a generic term for any cave formation (eg. Stalactites and Stalagmites)

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Coffee Farmer

What are your top three movies of all time? Shawshank Redemption, Jurassic Park, and Last of the Mohicans

What songs and/or bands have you been listening to lately? Bands: Bill Monroe, Kygo, Matoma, and Trampled By Turtles

Look out for more staff spotlights throughout the semester.