Tag Archives: kayak

Godspeed K1!

[slideshow]Kayak and Down Island Trip rotations are in full-swing this week at The Island School. On Monday morning the first group of kayakers left Cow Pointe on their three-day paddling excursion, while the rest of the summer term students piled into two vans to head down island. Each group will be out until Wednesday and on Thursday they’ll swap paddles for vans and vice-versa.


Kayak Rotations Begin


On Monday of this week K1 departed girls dorm cut and began their 8-day kayak expedition as the kayak rotation got underway. While they were headed out on the water, K2 headed down island for their trip to the north end of Eleuthera. After returning yesterday from their trip K2 left The Island School this morning for their 8-day trip. The first group of kayakers are preparing for their solo experience over the next couple of days and will be back next week. The other groups, K3 and K4, are on campus doing their academic rotation and will be doing their own trips in the upcoming week.  To see more pictures, don’t get forget to check out our Flickr photostream.

Cacique Update March 9, 2011

by Caciques Evan and Emma

[slideshow]By just the 9th day at The Island School, “home” has taken on a new meaning. K1 and K2 made a triumphant return from our 3-day kayak expeditions feeling as though we had arrived home. It seemed as though the buggy beaches and the strenuous kayaking had accomplished something other than giving us itchy and tired arms—it created a family-like bond where everyone knew that together, the impossible could in fact be possible and any challenge could be overcome. Everyone had returned tanner, physically and stronger, mentally; and more excited than when they had left about the prospects of attending The Island School. Continue reading

K1 and K2 have returned!

K1 stops on day 1 to learn about red mangroves

Sunday night, as we (K1) sat under the stars, Remo pointed out constellations.  The stars were shining brightly and with a laser pointer, Remo directed us to Orion, Canus Major, Taurus, Ursa Major, and several others.  I’ve lived here for over seven months, but I’ve never spent that much time looking up at the sky.  The students leaned back in their Continue reading