All posts by islandschoolblog

Have One On Us!


This week, Island School alumni 21 and older gathered in various cities across the US and Bahamas to “Have One On Us”! These events were hosted by the members of the Alumni Advisory Board in an effort to establish stronger regional alumni groups by reconnecting with old friends and getting to know one another, as well as promote CONCHtribution. The first one was in Boston on Wednesday night. Despite the snow and cold weather, 17 alumni, ranging from Fall 1999 to Spring 2006, weathered the storm, in true Island School fashion, to meet up and establish some cross-semester relationships in the region.

On Thursday evening, members of the Alumni Advisory Board hosted events in Denver, San Francisco, and Nassau! These are relatively uncharted territories for Island School alumni events so it was very exciting to have such successful events in each of those locations. Continue reading

Biodigestion in Action

Over the course of the last several weeks, Island School students spent time kayaking, experienced a hurricane, explored the majority of the island, and additionally, were able to gain intimate knowledge of many of the systems that make the campus run. Most notably, aquaponics, aquaculture, permaculture, and biodigestion were featured as Human Ecology modules during the kayak rotation. During the students’ time learning about biodigestion, they were asked to take a look at the ways Island School falls short of its goals of self sustainability and try to find some solutions. In doing so, students’ learned about the systems that support human life on campus, where waste comes from, how humans get energy, and how we can improve as a community. The focus of their work was mainly turning waste to energy, which led to some hands on work with the biodigestion system. Students learned about the anaerobic process, how biodigestion mimics natural systems, how renewable energy is generated by microbes, and eventually how to put that energy to use. After dinner circle on Wednesday, students ventured to the biodigester to check out some of the applications of biogas. They observed running the gas through a conventional burner system and explored possibilities for how this campus system could develop into the future. [slideshow]

Rob Neely (SP’99) Visits Campus

John Schatz, Rob Neely (SP'99), Shanti Nulu
John Schatz, Rob Neely (SP’99), Shanti Nulu

Rob Neely, a student during the pioneer semester of The Island School, as well as a faculty member Fall 2003-Spring 2004 visited campus last week with his fiancé, Shanti Nulu. During his visit, he had the opportunity to make a presentation to the Fall 2012 students, showing them photos of what campus looked like back in Spring 1999 and sharing stories of his experience more than 10 years ago. In addition to kicking back and enjoying his vacation, Rob got to interact with the current students at meals and reunite with John Schatz with whom he worked during his year as a teacher. It was great to have you back, Rob!

Job Openings at Cape Eleuthera Institute

The Cape Eleuthera Institute currently has a number of  job openings. If you are interested in applying to the CEI Aquaculture Manager,  CEI Aquaponics System Manager, Assistant Lead Educator, Early Childhood Educator, or Administrative Assistant positions please visit our website here.

We are also accepting applications for internships for Spring, Summer and Fall 2013. If you or someone you know is interested, you can find more information on our website here.

For all other inquiries, please contact

Westport, CT Admissions Reception Postponed!

Due to the lasting effects of Hurricane Sandy, The Island School reception in Westport, CT has also been postponed. We want to make sure that everyone in the area remains safe and recovers power in the aftermath of the storm before we host our reception. We will be in touch soon with a new date and appreciate the support! For more information about The Island School, please visit our website: