Jane and Katie 11.2.11

A legacy is something you leave for the future.
A big-cheeked smile, dripping with mango juice, came to mind while working on creating the grow-beds. My little sister cherishes a good piece of fruit more than anyone I know. “One of the goals here at The Island School is to have all our food grown right here on campus,” Cam shared with us in between shovels full of dirt. I imagined my sister, a potential Island School student, passing by lavish grow beds that we had been working all day to install and grabbing a piece of fruit before class. I pictured the fruit in her palm being a reminder to be thankful for the opportunity she was given to come to school here. Although I wanted that for myself, thinking about it being available to my sister made me happy about the work I had done. We worked hard all day in the rain, filling and emptying wheelbarrows full of sand to lay out so plants could grow. It was a strenuous day but well worth the while, so that students just like us will one day have The Island School experience we had, with a little fruit to top it off.
Exploration time was quiet today. The rain and freezing temperatures, (freezing, considering we’ve been in The Bahamas for 2 months) made for a perfect indoor cozy-up day. After getting soda for our Legacy Day accomplishments, I ventured to the dining hall for a snack. I found Sam and Henry helping Mooch make our dinner’s bread, and asked if I could help. We kneaded the dough, rolled it out, had a miniature flour fight, but got the job done. Afterwards, Mooch let us make brownies for the community. Once the batter was in the tray, I sheepishly suggested, “I could go get some spoons…” Alluding to finishing off the batter. Mooch caught my drift. “No, no, no, baby girl. You’re gonna get me in trouble!” My heart sank a little, but then she added, “That’s a finger-licking job!” We all laughed as we took swipes of batter from the bowl that held enough batter to make 80 brownies. The brownies were put in the oven and served after dinner. As much as I enjoyed dishing out the brownies and devouring them, myself, the most memorable part of my day was licking that bowl clean with Mooch in the kitchen.