Cacique Update November 5, 2011

by Cacique Maddy

Today was a day full of laughter, stories, screams and hugs (in girls dorm). Today we were all reunited with one another after all of our different Kayak and Down Island trips. In honor of being back together we had a big bonfire and Guy Fawkes celebration. Guy Fawkes Day is a british holiday that is celebrated here. Following tradition, we made an effigy and burned it in a huge fire. We also had smores and played music around the fire. Before the bonfire, when the K4 girls came into the dorm some of us were having a dance party, and we all stopped and screamed. It was mayhem as we all rushed forward to give Helen, Clare, Anna, and Annabelle hugs. Everyone got into a big group hug and we all ended up in a heap on the ground. Everyone was laughing as some took pictures of us all huddled there. It was amazing to see everyone together after 3 weeks of separation. Not even the rain that tried to stop our bonfire could dampen our moods that night.