Tag Archives: leadership


Student Leadership Update – New Cacique Council Selected

Each week, a group of students is selected for their unique potential as leaders to come together as the 5 student Cacique Council, “Cacique” meaning leader in ancient Lucayan. During that week, the group will plan special activities for their peers, run morning and evening circles, facilitate communication between students and faculty, and fulfill other important roles as needed. Members of the council are welcomed into the new role during Community Meeting, in which a public acknowledgement of each individual’s leadership qualities is read aloud. Enjoy these “Cacique Pass-Offs” written by last week’s Cacique Council. Join us in welcoming the next group of young leaders: Dana, Danny,Charlie, Sarah T. and Cole.

Dana is a true example of a strong and hardworking young woman! Her readiness to try so many new things is inspiring. Whether she is reaching deeper and deeper depths on every free dive, or pushing herself on morning runs, Dana exemplifies the adventurous and cheerful attitude we should all have at The Island School. Continue reading