Category Archives: Cacique Update

Cacique Update- April 20, 2010

Eliza and Sean

Every Tuesday our community gathers in the boathouse. During the past couple of meetings we have sent the hour discussing pressing issues and schedules for the week. Today, however, we decided to spice it up and shorten it. We started the meeting with an opportunity for people to voice their opinions and concerns, but kept this part as brief as possible. To get people moving, Continue reading

Cacique Update- April 18th, 2010

Hi All!

Today, the Island School community spent its last day together for the next three weeks. The day started with many opportunities to strengthen and release after our rigorous week. Rennie led some yoga in the boathouse, a perfect backdrop especially with this morning’s rain (yay! more water to shower with!). After this, Tyler led ab workout bootcamp, involving a lesson on nutrition.  Others slept in, Continue reading

Cacique Update – Saturday, April 17th

Greetings Parents! We started off  this  wonderful Saturday morning with extended run/swim tracks.  After breakfast, we had our Saturday morning classes. For  today’s classes, we had “Bizarro” Research day.  In other words, we attended a research class DIFFERENT from the one that we are normally in! LOL :) After lunch we had a community meeting, and learned about our  kayak, Down Island trips and academic rotations.  Kayak group 1 and Kayak group 2 will be heading off on Monday (K1 to kayak, K2 to Down Island).  We know we’re all going to miss each other, but we’re still very excited! After extended exploration time, we went to the marina for a fun cook out! We grilled up some burgers and veggie  burgers. After dinner we enjoyed a rare treat of some home made brownies!  Upon returning to campus, some  students chose  to catch up on valuable  rest, and others went to boys dorm beach to swim and enjoy bonding time! Hope your day was as good as ours! See you next  time.

-Kitch Wakeman and Helen Pierson

Cacique Update- April 13, 2010

Caciques: Grace and Tyler

Boy’s and Girl’s South dorms completed the second timed run/swim this morning where many participants made personal records. The group was led by Steve Grune who came in with an outstanding 13:36 finish time.Literature and Histories classes followed breakfast where we continued discussing Omeros and peer reviewed our oral histories paper. Community meeting Continue reading