Cacique Update- April 10, 2010

Caciques: Emma and Owen

On Saturday morning we began our day with long morning exercise. Run track did a long run to Deale’s Point, and we ran up to 8 miles. Swim track jumped off High Rock, and then swam to 4th Hole and back. They also did some underwater rock carrying. We then had a long research block, and we did our midterm oral assessments. Later we had Querencia time and then Exploration time. After dinner, we had our first Coffeehouse– people had various acts that ranged from Toga dancing to guitar playing to free-style rapping. Then we had a Gameshow, hosted by Tyler. We were broken into teams of different colors and we had a variety of questions ranging from Island School to Geography to Sports and Miscellaneous. Then the boys went night-snorkeling at The Cut. The girls had a bonding session. Overall it was a very fun day!