Cacique Update- July 22, 2010

We started this morning with a run/swim—heavy on the swim. The pain of this run/swim was overshadowed by a great breakfast of pancakes. After breakfast we moved on to Human Ecology, where we are working in four different groups on our final project. The four different projects are Soaps, which is making natural soap and chapstick, Compost, which is making a residential vermicompost (composting with worms) using recycled materials, Biodiesel, which is learning how to make biodiesel out of vegetable oil, and Bees, which is learning about the lifestyle of bees and collecting honey. All the groups will be presenting our Human Ecology projects along with our research projects at an Expo at the Rock Sound library this Saturday. After lunch we split up into our research groups and got to work on our final posters. All the research teams are working really hard to make their posters the best they can be. We can’t wait till Saturday when we get to present them at the Rock Sound Expo!

Kristin and Grace