Cacique Update- March 29, 2010

Caciques: Emma and Ben

Monday was a regular day of classes and we accomplished a lot, as always. We woke up at 6:15 and got a pebble at circle. Then we had run or swim tracks. For run track, we ran either four miles or a little over five with the extended loop, doing interval sprints. Swim track ran to the marina and swam against the current in the current cut. The current was very strong. As Hadley describes, “It was intense.” It was also Passover on Monday. We had a great seder, organized by Rennie and Evan. It was a wonderful event and there was a big turnout. A lot of planning went into it, and many people helped out preparing the food. The meal was amazing, and everyone learned about the tradition of Passover. Overall it was an exciting and fulfilling day!