Tag Archives: community meeting

Fall 2013 Alumni Advisory Board Meeting on Eleuthera

Ted Griffith (S’02), Drew Fink (F’05), Cam Powel (F’04, Dir. Alumni Relations), Nick Del Vecchio (F’02), Kate Parizeau (F’03), Mike Cortina (F’02), Horatio Smith (F’02), Dominique Keefe (S’07)

This past weekend 7 members of the Alumni Advisory Board (AAB) came down to The Island School for their annual on-island board meeting. These alumni are part of a volunteer board that helps The Island School alumni department strengthen the alumni network and also serve as the link between IS, CEI and DCMS and the greater Island School alumni community. During their long weekend on Eleuthera, the AAB participated in morning exercise, spoke with the directors of IS, CEI and DCMS, and discussed the future of the board as The Island School approaches its 15th birthday. However, the most valuable experience for the board was participating in facilitating a community meeting with the current Fall 2013 students. Alumni and current students alike shared an important “snapshot” from their semester and then broke out in to small groups to discuss some bigger picture questions about their Island School experiences.

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The final night of the AAB meeting was spent aboard the Maxey’s catamaran, Kokomo. The board’s next meeting will be in the states in April. To find out more about what the AAB does or how you can get involved in The Island School’s alumni community, email alumni@islandschool.org.

How to Love Your Dirt

At the Island School we have a saying: “there’s no such thing as trash, just resources in the wrong place.” This mantra is the guiding force behind our efforts to turn glass bottles into drinking vessels, vegetable oil into biodiesel, and old tires into a walking bridge. It is the reason why we compost; the reason why we take banana peels and pig manure and shredded cardboard and turn this “trash” into productive soil for our farm. The drive towards a more sustainable campus means following the model of a natural ecosystem, in other words, a system that generates no waste. Materials that might otherwise go into a landfill retain their productive capacity. But what about the school’s less tangible byproducts? In an intensely inward-looking and self-reliant community such as ours, social tension is bound to arise. How can disagreements, frustrations, and conflict be among the “resources in the wrong place?”


The answer starts at Community Meeting, a weekly forum where Island School students and faculty come together for collective problem-solving, goal setting, and appreciations. It was at a recent meeting—during a discussion of hot issues like dish crew, sorting recyclables, and what happened to all the socks Continue reading