Monday night about 40 people gathered at the Nonprofit Center in Boston to commemorate the opening of Cape Eleuthera Foundation’s Boston office. Guests included former Island School staff Tony Hawgood, Jack Kenworthy, and Karen McNamee, alumni from classes as far back as Fall 2002, future Island School students and families, and others just interested in learning more about our organization.
The Boston office will serve as the home office of Christian Henry and Melissa Buck. We are excited by the opportunities that having this office in Boston will create, and we look forward to seeing everyone in the New England area this fall. Feel free to stop by our office and say hello!
It started out with a SCUBA dive at “Hole in the Wall” where the Term split up into 3 groups. One with Edd on the MacDaddy, one with Ian on the Kenny T, and one with Tyler on the RED Rising. The time of day is perfect for seeing all kinds of fish and underwater creatures, and we had a ton of fun! When we came back we rushed to breakfast, because we didn’t want to lose Continue reading →
We started off the morning with a good run/swim. Surprisingly for many of us, the run/swims are becoming easier. After breakfast we all went our separate ways. Flats and Sharks students went to research to work on their final presentation. Human ecology students went to a class where the topic was fisheries in The Bahamas. Students had a discussion about the documentary Continue reading →
This past weekend, Island School alumni, friends, and family gathered in Cape Cod to celebrate summer. On Sunday morning, Maxey roused the troops and got a group of Island School staff to participate in the Falmouth Sprint Triathlon. Chris and Pam Maxey, Christian Henry, and Karla Cosgriff braved the cold New England waters for a .3 mile swim, biked 9.6 miles along the coast, and ran 3.2 miles to the finish line. Congratulations to everyone!
Following this morning exercise, a large group gathered at Woods Hole’s Marine Biological Laboratory for a tour of their facilities. Alumni, future students, families, and friends all joined together to learn how the research they are doing at MBL is related to the work we do on Cape Eleuthera. Thank you to Dan, our tour guide, for showing us all the amazing things going on at Woods Hole!
Group tours water filtration system ay MBL
Christian Henry shows off his horshoe crab wrangling skills
The day ended with an amazing cocktail party hosted at the Gibson’s home in Woods Hole. The Island School’s trip to Cape Cod was a great success and we hope to make the Island School’s summer day on the Cape an annual tradition. Maxey is encouraging everyone to start training for next year’s triathlon now!
David Miller catches up with S09 alums Matt Vetter and Krissy TaftChecking out creatures in one of MBL's holding tanks
Surprise!! Today the mentors gave us a sleep in after the intense kayak trip. Even though we had until twelve, we only slept until eight just in time for our favorite granola breakfast. After a quick bite we were eager to sign out, grab our bikes, and pedal our way to Sunset Beach. Lying in the sand, working on our tan, taking pictures, and visiting the marina store was just the way we wanted to spend our morning. Following our relaxing morning, we ate lunch and met up for our Community Outreach project. Loading up the ladder, Continue reading →
This morning was especially exciting. Instead of our normal morning exercise, usually consisting of intense run-swims, we were surprised by a change in our schedule, dedicating the morning to a fantastic game of water polo. This is a favorite among many of the students, and is a much more enjoyable form of exercise. After a great game, we headed to the boathouse for a Continue reading →
It was the first day back from the down island trip and although it wasn’t as eventful, it was a great transition day to kayaking tomorrow (ahh after kayaking there are about ten days left! :( ), The day started when the lights flicked on at 5:30 AM and silently announced, along with the ringing alarms, that it was time to get Continue reading →
On 7/13 the community woke up and one group went to play water polo while the other group went to kayak prep. Then we had chores and then headed off to breakfast. After breakfast we returned as a whole community at our circle and finished up kayak prep. This led up to lunch time and after lunch time K1 left. About 45 minutes later K2 left to begin their voyage.
K1 paddle for about three hours to reach their camping ground, which was Red Bay. Then we set up camp and prepared for dinner. After learning about the stars and night sky from some of our fellow classmates, we all went straight to sleep. We started Continue reading →
Calling all Island School friends and family! Join us this weekend at Woods Hole, Cape Cod to tour the Marine Biological Laboratory, followed by a cocktail party hosted by the Gibson family (Kate Gibson, F04).
And, if you’re still around Boston on Monday, come help us celebrate the opening of our Boston office from 6-8pm at the Nonprofit Center near South Station.
RSVP to for both events. We hope you can join us!
The Island School’s Spring 2009 class reunited this past weekend on Cape Cod, bringing together 35 of their 48 students. The Vetters kindly hosted this massive group, and a good time was had by all!