Category Archives: Daily Update

Daily Update March 13, 2012

Today is almost another first day of classes.  Yesterday, after half of the students completing their first timed Run/Swim, we began Math and Human Ecology classes.  However, today will be the start of a whole new set of classes including Histories, Literature, and our first research classes!  The students are very excited to divide into the groups that they selected to work on and to begin their learning.  Continue reading

Daily Update March 12, 2012

Today, the Island School Community awaits the beginning of classes.  Both faculty and students wait to see how they can work together to learn.  Over the weekend, we jumped into the semester from High Rock and held a Commencement from Orientation ceremony, where we all pledged to work form a dynamic and tightly knit community.  On Sunday, the students, and faculty, enjoyed their first day off.  Adventures ranged from snorkeling and diving, to exploring, to enjoying the coffee shop, and getting rest on the beach.  This morning, we will enjoy our first timed Run/Swim, as well as our first Math and Human Ecology classes.  The anticipation is strong, but the community is excited for their more regular schedule.  Though the first day is classes is normally a thing of dread, the community is eager and happy to begin their academic journey.


Daily Updates from Eric Witte

Eric Witte in Action!

Now that the semester course has transitioned out of the orientation period, we begin a more rhythmic academic schedule. For the rest of the semester, look for Daily Updates about the Island School experience. Every two weeks a different student will be in charge of Daily Updates and he or she will use chore time to write and publish these. Look for updates all “chore days” including Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. For the next two weeks, student Eric Witte will be giving you his personal, thoughtful, detailed descriptions of the Island School Journey. First, enjoy a thoughtful reflection he wrote last week about his shifting perspective. Later today, look for his very first Daily Update

Erik Witte: Arriving at the Island School has pushed me to make a lot of changes in my habits.  Continue reading