Daily Update March 13, 2012

Today is almost another first day of classes.  Yesterday, after half of the students completing their first timed Run/Swim, we began Math and Human Ecology classes.  However, today will be the start of a whole new set of classes including Histories, Literature, and our first research classes!  The students are very excited to divide into the groups that they selected to work on and to begin their learning.  In addition, this morning is a special day for the South dormitories who will be the second group of timed Run/Swimmers.

Yesterday the students met for the first time with their Deep Creek Middle School buddies.  Each pair of buddies is assigned to a project designed to better the Bahamian community including meetings for Bahamian-Haitian relations, trash cleanup, a Lionfish harvesting party, a beach access organization, a domestic violence support group, and a group for involving teens in positive community-building activities.  Both Island School students and the Deep Creek Middle School students are excited to work to positively effect the island and world around them.