- Always always always wear a bathing suit during exploration time.
- Don’t be late to art class.
- When deciding over seconds or med check always choose seconds.
- Ketchup makes everything taste better. So does salt and pepper.
- Star gaze.
- Bug net bug suit (nothing else needs to be said).
- Roc the croc.
- Buy a pint of ice cream at the marina store and eat it all by yourself.
- Only put up the rainfly on the tent if it’s actually going to rain.
- Ocean showers are fun.
- Lighthouse sand will appear in your bed weeks after kayak.
- Don’t touch the poisonwood, just don’t do it.
- Keep your fleece. It gets chilly.
- Bring a fan.
- Don’t be afraid to cry.
- Don’t go anywhere without a water bottle.
- Get lost in the inner loop.
- Hide your wrappers.
- Get enough sleep but…
- Choose free diving over sleep.
- Actually choose anything over sleep. You can sleep when you get home.
- You can go a day or two (or three) without showering (probably not four though.)
- Reflect.
- The key to good dish crew is lots of soap and awesome music.
- Even if you get connected to the Internet don’t use it for social media.
- Perform at coffee house.
- Don’t take yourself too seriously.
- Call your family during phone time. They miss you.
- Baby oil = even more bug protection.
- Research is important, even though you don’t get a grade.
- Sing as loud as you can in the dorms.
- Don’t count the days.
- Get to know the staff including CEI, CSD, and Deep Creek staff.
- Get cups from Mr. Henry’s.
- Your bike is the key to IS freedom. Take care of it.
- Take time for yourself.
- Appreciate toilet paper when you have it.
- Don’t be late to dish crew.
- Buy Peter Z’s cookies. It’s worth it.
- Get weird.
- Don’t count the time make the time count.
- Puddle jump.
- Take pictures but don’t obsess over taking them.
- Never ever worry about how much food you are eating.
- Watch movies curled in bed with a friend.
- Go in the ocean every single chance you get.
- Oatmeal Fridays are the bomb.
- Sing your heart out during the national anthem.
- Wind is a really really good thing.
- A grape fruit rind makes the well water taste ten million times better.
- Embrace your solo. When else will you be able to spend two days on your own.
- Journal.
- Repeat the question.
- Eat off the plants on campus.
- Oatmeal Friday rocks.
- Don’t lose your headphones.
- Sit in a hammock on the porch.
- Smell your clothes to determine wearability.
- Dress up for fancy dinners.
- Querencia is awesome. Take it seriously.
- Hug.
- Play cards.
- Look like a scrub and own it.
- Sleep in on a Sunday and don’t regret it.
- Go to church.
- Be patient.
- Read.
- Ask Questions.
- Don’t forget laundry day under any circumstances.
- Stay up late.
- Don’t break the nature.
- Stretch.
- Don’t obsess over the time.
- Take your watch off.
- Watch the sunrise and the sunset.
- Cover yourself completely with sand.
- Beware of the DIT van stench.
- Only wear shoes when 100% necessary.
- Get mojo and take everyone else’s music.
- Flush the toilet but save water.
- Do your history readings.
- Meditate.
- Avoid the poo poo garden.
- Sand awareness.
- Share your clothes.
- Share in general.
- Cuddle.
- Beware of sand bears.
- Sing loud and proud during the Bahamian national anthem.
- You’re going to lose stuff. It’ll be ok.
- Don’t do your DOL at 10:25 the night before.
- Don’t do any homework at 10:25 the night before.
- Go triking in the horseshoe.
- Scrambled brownies are delicious.
- Cheer your heart out during the half marathon/ super swim.
- Challenge yourself.
- Be present.
- Say thank you.
- Be honest to yourself and to others
- Remember this is your family for 100 days. Love them.