Summer Term: What A Treat!

Twenty minutes there and twenty minutes back. This morning all of us rose to our most challenging exercise yet. Together, we pushed our boundaries farther and farther back all the way to high rock and some, even farther. Running with our new best friends allowed us to complete this extreme expedition. The moment each and every one of us touched the flagpole cheers and screams exploded into the air as we celebrated this large feat.

For the Sustainable Systems class, it was a long hard day on the farm. Our farming expert Joseph taught us all about the composting process and even let us take a stab at it, with our pitchforks and machetes of course. In the afternoon we biked the 4 mile trek to Deep Creek to a farm to learn about farming techniques used on islands like Eleuthera. We were lucky enough to try some local sugarcane. After spending several hours in the hot sun, we cooled off with a refreshing cup of mouthwatering frozen mango or passion fruit popsicles. What a treat!

Today a third of the community is off on the down island trip having unique opportunities and experiences that they will never forget. Through jamming out in the Island School vans to being completely enveloped in the deep mysterious caves, these students are making memories that will last a lifetime. Each and every student comes back from this trip with dozens of stories to share with the rest of the community. All of us here cannot wait to here about their epic and eventful journey.

There are only eight more days until our families will be joining our wonderful community we have been establishing. We cannot wait for them to get the chance to experience all that the Island School has to offer and especially all that Eleuthera has to offer.

Your Caciques,

Megan Hooper and Drew GinsbergStudents at the bonfire Sustainable Systems students learning about aquaponics