March 26, 2012 – Daily Updates by Tai

 “Get out and do something.”  That is something my parents have made sure I never forget. No matter what everybody else is doing, stretch beyond it. Be stronger. Be different. Do things nobody else around you ever thought they could. I think one of the major points of my worldview is that people like to stay in a very cozy comfort zone, and those who push out of that restricting bubble are the ones who make a difference in the world.

These first lines of Tai Massimilian’s Eleutheros essay this week caught our attention. Her style, reflection and distinct voice were just what we need in a Daily Update writer. So, with culmination of the first two week rotation, saying goodbye to Eric Witte and his excellent work, we decided to invite Tai to take over as student blogger for the next rotation. Please enjoy her personal insights and daily observations as blog author for the next two week, starting with today…

Daily Update: This weekend the Island School students were fully engaged in Bahamian culture. Saturday morning, after a long 6 mile run for the runners and 1 mile swim for the swimmers, we left in vans to be dropped off in different settlements with Bahamian families. I had the privilege of traveling to Tarpum Bay, Eleuthera for what I thought was to be a day of sitting in a house conducting interviews. But, as the Island School usually goes, I was pushed out of my comfort zone and pleasantly surprised. Continue reading

Lucky’s First 8-day Kayak Trip


It all started on a stormy morning in September 2010.  As the students of K3 and I busily made our final preparations on Girls Dorm Beach, Lucky collapsed into the sand with a sigh–a forlorn puppy.  She knew the drill well and had been perfecting her act for several semesters, hoping that somehow she could either convince us to take her along or, at the very least, to prevent our departure.  But this was not going to be her semester.  We paddled into the 20 knot winds despite her dejected gaze pulling on our heartstrings. Continue reading

Daily Update March 23, 2012

Yesterday evening, just before dorm check-in, one of my good friends had the misfortune of knocking a pipe out of place.  At once, the water started to erupt, so he ran to the dorm for help.  At the dorm we heard yells of “FELIX, FELIX, HELP! HELP! There’s water everywhere!”  So Felix, our literature teacher, leapt up and ran to where my friend guided him.  When it became clear that Felix needed more help, the rest of the boys’ dorm came flooding out and following my friend to the pipe.  At first, we caught the water with buckets and quickly formed a chain to pass the buckets and dump them back into the cistern.  This was not as effective as it needed to be though, so Brandon stuffed his hand down the pipe to stop its flow.  At that moment, Felix shouted that we needed to shut off the water pump.  We shut off the pump, and our problem was solved, but what I was fascinated by how quickly we assessed the situation and began to work together in a productive manner.  Continue reading

Congratulations Seniors!

We are thinking of you seniors as you begin to hear back from colleges for next year. If you haven’t told us your plans for next year, please keep us in the loop by emailing Here is a list of schools where we know some of our Island School alumni are heading next fall:

  • Amherst College
  • Bowdoin College
  • Colby College
  • Colgate University
  • College of The Bahamas
  • Colorado College
  • Dartmouth University
  • Elon University
  • Hamilton College
  • Hobart and William Smith Colleges
  • Kenyon College
  • Lewis & Clark College
  • Middlebury College
  • Occidental College
  • Princeton University
  • St. Mary’s College of Maryland
  • Trinity College
  • University of Colorado- Boulder
  • University of Miami
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Vermont
  • University of Virginia
  • Wesleyan University
  • Williams College

Congratulations class of 2012!

Daily Update March 22, 2012

Yesterday afternoon, Peter and Teschna took their Marine Ecology class SCUBA diving.  We dropped forty feet down to Tunnel Rock, and swam around exploring under rocks, caves, and tunnels.  The idea of SCUBA diving during a class inspired me.  For one, already in our class we have learned a life skill that will extend itself far beyond Marine Ecology class.  In addition, diving gives our classroom work meaning: I find nearby fish species that I visit frequently to be much more relevant to me than those found under the arctic ice cap.  As we kicked our way around Tunnel Rock, Continue reading

Recreating a Historical Shark Research Project


The joint CEI and University of Illinois shark research team just returned from the second of four, 2 week field expeditions to a shallow bank known as “the bridge” that connects the southern tip of Eleuthera to the northern tip of Cat Island. The first expedition went out in November 2011. The historical project is re-creating a study from a dataset detailing the diversity and abundance of shark populations in The Bahamas that took place over 30 years ago. Back then it was conducted by Captain Steve Connett and the crew of the R/V Geronimo from St Georges, Rhode Island. The current study is conducting surveys identical to those performed by Captain Connett and his crew 33 years ago, and has already discovered some very interesting results. In the original dataset, 96 sharks from six species were captured during 25 scientific longline sets. In just 12 sets, we have already caught 84 sharks from three species! Continue reading

Daily Update March 21, 2012

Yesterday, during Community Outreach, each student went to their group with their Deep Creek Middle School buddy in order to work on a project that some of the middle school students had selected. I was part of Teen Community building, and as our first task, we subdivided to create a public service announcement that we could publish via social media. Emma Barbera and her buddy, Zyria, and me and my buddy, Michael broke off to make a video promoting awareness about domestic violence. Our project opened the participants up for exchange. It was easy to exchange ideas with our buddies while working on a video. Together we would plan the facts to use, record our buddies speaking, and check over the work.

I was really impressed by my buddy’s focus on strengthening his community. Continue reading

DCMS Grade 9′s are Boarding School-Bound!

We all have been waiting in anticipation for the five Deep Creek Middle School students who applied to boarding schools in the United States to hear back from the admissions offices. We are proud to announce that all five students who applied have received placements and scholarships from the schools to continue their studies abroad next year!
  • Ashley Gibson – St Margaret’s School, VA
  • Moesha Leary – Christchurch School, VA
  • Lionel Johnson – Woodberry Forest, VA
  • Yanni Giannakopoulos – The Ross School, NY
  • Treshae Clarke – Wilbraham and Monson Academy, MA
Thank you to all of those who helped in some part of the process whether as mock-interviewers or to homestay families in the US who host on long-weekends! And congratulations to Ashley, Moesha, Lionel, Yanni, and Treshae!

Final Gap Program Update


They say that all good things must come to an end.

Last Friday morning, we said farewell to the Cape Eleuthera Institute’s Gap Year students. We did so with heavy hearts but heads held high, confident in their abilities and potential to do good work wherever they are and to continue to be stewards of the earth, their communities, and themselves.

In their final weeks, Cole, Jon, Shelby, Shaquel, Sarah, and Lulu worked feverishly on piecing together their Independent Student Projects, which they presented to members of both the IS and CEI communities early last week. The work Continue reading

Daily Update March 19, 2012

Over the weekend, Island School students made their first visits to the host families that they will be interviewing for their Oral History Projects for Histories Class.  Some folks lounged around with members of the family and got to know them, other groups baked Johnnycake, and other students walked around the settlement with their hosts.  The groups of students were dispersed around Deep Creek, Waterford, Green Castle, Tarpum Bay, and Rock Sound. The project’s goal is that each group will make a video of each family’s oral history after a semester of time spent interviewing and learning about them. The families will receive the videos as gifts.  Continue reading