Daily Update May 10, 2011

Yesterday, during art class, the student body officially set the Art Gallery in motion. On Parent’s Weekend there will be a showcase of the students’ artwork set up in the octagon. There are multiple committees in charge of different tasks for the showcase. Some of the committees include set up and clean up crew, appetizer crew, and printing labels crew. The curators, in charge of the overall process, are Matti McAlpin and Liz Ellinger. They take over the entire design of the extravanganza. All the students are excited for their parents to see the hard work they’ve put towards their artwork this semester.

Today is the final preparation day for our Human Ecology final projects. Tonight each group will present their idea to the Human Ecology teachers in hopes to have it approved. There is a wide range of ideas this year. Felipe Gomez and I are proposing the idea to redesign the Fishbowl. Right now it has a completely innacturate mural that portrays fictional marine species. On the wall there is fish blowing bubbles, a pig with a gas mask, blobs of color that are supposed to be fish, and jellyfish with rainbows coming out of them. Our idea is to transform the space into more of a efficient study / work place. Another group’s idea is promoting the notion of eating more lionfish in the dining hall, so they will be spear fishing, as well as talking to the local restaurants. Another group is looking into the problem of lack of fresh water. Their idea is to build a de-salination structure for the campus. On the thought of conservation multiple groups have their concept based off the tools at CEI or Island School. They are working with biodigestion, biodiesal, the offshore aquaponics cage, or aquaculture. The proposals have a huge range and everyone is excited to where they lead.