Lin-Wood School Visits and Learns with Cape Eleuthera Institute

Ten students and three chaperones from Lin-wood High in New Hampshire recently visited the Cape Eleuthera Institute for one week of exploration and education with the Educational Program’s team. The “Lin-Wood crew” were happy to escape their wintery weather for some time learning about our local ecosystems, sustainability initiatives and research.

The group, led by Rebecca Steeves, a teacher who worked at DCMS for 5 years, got the opportunity to learn about our vital mangrove swamps, the threat of invasive lionfish on local reef ecosystems and some of our local developmental issues and challenges. We also managed to spend time helping a team of locals from Bannerman town who are converting the old abandoned school building into a public library for the area. Continue reading

Educational Programs update

The Educational Programs team has been at it again with back to back courses over the past two weeks. First up, eighteen students from Branson High School in the Bay area of California visited us for a week long stay.  Branson’s stay here was, as usual, a whirlwind event, with both the students and instructors dropping gratefully into bed after each full day of research, exploration and adventure.  One memorable moment we were fortunate enough to experience was camping on the beautiful Jack’s Bay beach under a perfect starry night sky. Sadly, due to the development of a new golf course in the area, we were unofficially the last group ever able to camp at that beautiful location. Continue reading

Cacique Update March 13, 2010

by Caciques Aidan and Bronte

Today could be considered our first day of freedom after completing orientation and fully dedicating ourselves to the oncoming semester.  We were rewarded with a sleep-in and a day to ourselves to explore. Many students celebrated their day of independence with a nap, a game of Frisbee, or a trip to the local coffee shop at The Cape. Surrounded by friends, sitting on the deck of the coffee shop and starring out over the ocean, we had time to reflect on what was ahead of us. Quickly the realization of the long journey we had all committed ourselves to began to sink in. Continue reading

Cacique Update March 12, 2011

“Jumping into the Semester”

by Cacique Georgianna Anderson

Waves skipped upon the face of High Rock, as a student was perched on the lip of the cliff. Arms flailing, the student jumped into the water and slowly sank just below the surface. Rising, though salty eyes the student could see the faces of the peers who had jumped before them. After a two mile run the students and faculty arrived at High Rock to celebrate the ending of orientation. Each student and faculty member began his or her day by jumping off High Rock into the indigo water below to symbolize the official beginning of the 2011 Spring Semester. The day continued with a series of traditions and celebrations. Continue reading

Cacique Update March 10, 2011

“Scuba Days”

by Caciques Caroline Schoen and Aldis Gamble


I took a deep breath, feeling my body rise slightly, then let it out and sank as bubbles streamed past my face. I sank until my face was level with the hole in the mass of coral before me: the opening of tunnel rock. The light dimmed as I swam into the tunnel, but enough still remained to be able to see what surrounded me. To my left a light green mass of coral almost appeared to resemble a brain, its surface a twisted mass of ridges and valleys. In front of it, think, olive green fingers of coral waved gently, each six inches long with a hole down the center. On my right, a small school of large, silver fish passed so close beneath me that I could have reached out and touched them. Continue reading

Cacique Update March 9, 2011

by Caciques Evan and Emma

[slideshow]By just the 9th day at The Island School, “home” has taken on a new meaning. K1 and K2 made a triumphant return from our 3-day kayak expeditions feeling as though we had arrived home. It seemed as though the buggy beaches and the strenuous kayaking had accomplished something other than giving us itchy and tired arms—it created a family-like bond where everyone knew that together, the impossible could in fact be possible and any challenge could be overcome. Everyone had returned tanner, physically and stronger, mentally; and more excited than when they had left about the prospects of attending The Island School. Continue reading

Cacique Update March 8, 2011

By Caciques Adam and Holly

Community: this is the best word to describe today. Kayak groups 1 & 2 came back this afternoon, bringing the entire group back together. After those kayak groups left three days ago, it hit us all how strong the Island School Community really is. With half of our class gone, the campus felt deserted. Although it was quiet and much more peaceful, we realized how much each individual contributed to form a strong bond. Even though we were occupied with our SCUBA certification, no matter where we were, we noticed the absence of our new friends. In the dorms, at meals, during exploration time, and just walking across campus, we were disappointed not to see half of the faces we were always so happy to see. But, with the kayak groups back, the vibe of the campus is overwhelmingly positive. Every single person is excited to be back in the Island School’s tightly knit community.


Cacique Update March 7, 2011

“Amidst Scuba Week”

by Caciques TJ and Trueranda

Before our eyes were graced with the orange reddish hew of the spectacular Eleuthera sunrise, we knew it was going to be a jam packed day of activities. But, keeping with The Island School momentum, the adventures exceeded our expectations. “This morning I, TJ, woke up at 6:22am with negative 2 minutes before we were supposed to raise the flag.” After morning circle we all went on an exciting bike ride through the inner loop, an area that we the students would soon be able to explore during exploration time. When we returned to campus, one of the best breakfasts yet awaited us. This was Continue reading

1,500 cobia

one of the juvenile cobia in the lab

The aquaculture team is gearing up for this semesters research and that means setting up a new study design.  The 1,500 cobia that we have in the lab were randomly separated into 6 different tanks.  The 3-phase plan took an entire day but all the fish were divided safe and soundly.  We made a last minute change in our plans for the Island School research class and are now looking at how the cobia will perform on 3 different feeds. Continue reading

Cacique Update March 6, 2011

SCUBA Week – Day 1

by Caciques Jack Kempner and Mia Thomas

After a 6:00 AM wake up for Jack and me (Mia), blurry eyed and ready to go, we made it out of the dorm to put up the Bahaman Flag. Before we even had a chance to raise the infamous flag, the line broke, leaving us embarrassed after our first cacique duty.  Morning circle ended following a warm group hug to bid K1 and K2 a good journey on their kayak expeditions.  The rest of the SCUBA team headed out on a SCUBA psycho exercize, which was a prerequisite for the coming week.   The grueling working out consisted of:  piggyback runs (a partner on your back as you jog down the road), buddy sprints, and various core workouts and calisthenics.  All of these exercises were done while performing a critical SCUBA action or process.  We returned to campus sweaty and tired, but excited for the day of SCUBA ahead. Continue reading