Cacique Update November 22, 2011

by Caciques James and John

We met at circle at 6:30, not sure what we were about to get ourselves into. The schedule said that rather than morning exercise, we would be a part of a pig slaughter. Nobody knew what to expect as we made our way towards the farm. When we got there all we saw was a massive barrel of water sitting over a fire pit. It was a quiet, eerie feeling, as people whispered to each other about what was to come. Joseph led the pig into a separate kennel and shot it in the head. Everybody was given an opportunity to participate in cleaning and preparing the pig for our Thanksgiving feast. John and I took part in skinning the pig to get it ready for butchering. It was a powerful experience for everybody. This event really put into perspective where our food comes from and helped us understand the effort that goes into getting meat on our plates. I have a greater respect for my food now that I have witnessed this moving event.