Cacique Update June 4, 2011

by Caciques Brontë and Jack

Saturday was a day full of exciting events. The final research symposium was held on campus, transition classes were held, themed dinners and conch fest was celebrated.

The research symposium was a rewarding experience considering the fact that alumni, research specialists, and government officials traveled to hear about the research we conducted during the semester.  We were excited to be high school students whose work and discoveries were not only valued by our teachers and The Island School, but would also become useful to the scientific community.

The first part of the research symposium took place in the boat house where each of the research groups presented their poster and stood nearby to answer any questions observers may have had. Loinfish and Aquaponics were chosen to present their project as a whole to the visiting community and Jack, of course, did a stellar job representing the lionfish team!

After a hectic day, The Island School community reconnected and discussed the transition we were about to experience as we arrived back home. We split up into groups and wrote down worries and things we are nervous about. After we shared, we each gave our opinion on how we could address each others’ problems.  Transition Tips allowed us to realize that if we have a hard time going home, we will always have a supportive community from The Island School to help.