by Caciques Adam and Caroline
Watch as “sharks” Justin Symington and Lucky go in for their underwater attack during the water polo challenge during Pirate Morning Exercise.
ARRRRRRRRRRRR pirates!!! Today, we started off the morning with a pirate workout. You may be wondering what a pirate workout is, and to be honest, we were all wondering the same thing when we started our count off at exactly 6:30, like we do every morning. However, this day was not like any other morning, when suddenly all the faculty raided the circle dressed in pirate uniform and yelling pirate lingo. We were ordered into our 3-day kayak groups. We participated in several different team building activities that involved diving underwater in search of “the golden conch,” dragging a sunken kayak with four people on it across girls dorm cut and back, and playing an interesting form of water polo against the faculty as “sharks” in hyped up in fins and wet suits. This morning exercise was an exciting and fun way for us to spend time together as the last week of our Island School life is approaching.
The rest of the day was entirely dedicated to research and Human Ecology, as we are finishing up our final projects in both classes. It is safe to say that the overall vibe on campus is a mixture of sadness to leave and excitement to return home.