Cacique Update May 20, 2011

The first day of Parents Weekend was a great success. We started off the day with a sleep in and then circled at7:15for a campus clean to get ready for the arrival of the parents. After a long day of cleaning and classes the parents started arriving around five. Our hours of strenuous labor were ritually rewarded by the smiles on our families faces when they saw our magnificent art show. At an evening circle that was bursting at the seams with both happiness and family members, parents got a glimpse of our nightly ritual.

After a half an hour of juggling the seating arrangements of over two hundred people we enjoyed having time with our parents. The night was ended early because of a thunder storm and as our parents slowly trickled off we were on lock down in our dorms until the storm passed. After a short rehearsal session with our research groups and attempts at what some people may call studying we packed our siblings into the dorm, we called it a night.