Cacique Update April 9, 2011

by Caciques Caroline and Izza

Being the first single-gender Casique duo of the semester, and following a strong weeks worth of Cacique involvement in our community, we felt inspired to make the day enjoyable. Throughout the week our Caciques have truly had a positive impact on the community, and helped everyone make it through the 4th week of academics. With this in mind, we really wanted to make this a special day, one worth remembering.

As it was Saturday night, we were able to help plan our evening activity. The plan was to go the local primary school in Deep Creek and project Finding Nemo on a wall outside, for both Island School Students, and kids from Deep Creek. It was a fun evening that allowed many students to bond with the local children. As the movie progressed, we ate popcorn and the younger children gradually feel asleep, many in our laps. This was a memorable experience for all.