Cacique Update March 29, 2011

by Caciques Eliza and Nic E.

By the time exploration time rolled around I was exhausted.  After research class, although it was interesting, I was pooped (pun intended… I’m in the biodigestion research group).  It was very tempting to crawl into my top bunk, and even though it would have been a hike I could have slept for almost 2 hours and there was nothing more I wanted to do.  I entered our dorm and along with the usual music being blasted, there were of course a few girls lounging and resting but also a group preparing for some kind of expedition.  I was invited along to explore the Inner Loop; just simply explore maybe get lost or find something new.  Our only intention was to leave campus and take advantage of this free time.  The duty faculty were impressed that we weren’t just heading to the Marina store.  As we started off towards the tamarind tree on our bikes, bumping along it brought back memories of pre-license when all I did in the summer in Maine when it finally got warm enough, was bike from the beach to home to town and around again.  The fields criss-crossing the loop confused us, but we were able to locate the sour fruit. Tamarind is among my favorites.  I devoured a few and continually raved about how much I loved it; a true admiration.  We decided after this snack break just to go, to depart and see where we ended up after all: all roads eventually lead home.  After biking over hills and through deep sand pits we stumbled upon a sweeter treat: a sapodilla.  This was fascinating and we all munched on another natural snack.  Finally we made our way back to campus, very full and satisfied.  Mission Accomplished. Exhibition Successful.  The joy of letting our time run away within the Inner Loop, a place of endless adventure, made me appreciate even more the extravagant sights being offered by The Cape.