Cacique Update March 24, 2011

“Our Potential”

By Caciques Nick M and Hannah J

The ability to accept others can truly test just how well a community has grown together. As our small population grows into a larger foundation, we understand how to accept people into our way of life. Our horizons have been widened as we experience the dedication to The Island School cause that exists outside our small community. Talking to Kearney, an Island School alumnae from Lawrenceville (S.10), about how she has translated her Island School education into her daily and academic life at home, our perspective of the numerous applications of our ideas from The Island School made us realize our potential. With the arrival of new faces and ideas for the Educational Leadership Conference this weekend, our own understanding of what it means to be an Island School student is expanding. Maxey said that the purpose of this conference is “to be re-energized about why we do what we do at Island School and to think about how we can continue to do it as students leave.  We want to think about how we can be a SPARK that ignites projects after Island School and beyond.”  At dinner circle, as Caciques, we got a unique chance to welcome the many inspirational people and ideas that will be introduced to us over the course of the weekend. The atmosphere among the students has been shifted from the normal stress to excitement as we eagerly await our chance to express our own ideas, as well as learn how to take these ideas home, to incorporate into our lives.