Alumni Gather in DC for All-Semester Reunion

More than 50 alumni gathered in Washington, DC on Saturday for our annual All-Semester reunion.  Eight brave souls came out for morning exercise as the snow fell on the US capital.  Maxey led these alums in a true Island School psycho, including wall climbing, somersaults, and IS-style jumping jacks.  Check out the video here.

After some warm showers and hot coffee, our alumni thawed out and joined dozens of other alums for bagels and our speaker, Jason Heckathorn, who is the project manager of Lockheed Martin’s Mobile Fish Pens project.  Jason spoke about the work that Lockheed has been doing to develop mobile aquaculture cages, and what this work could mean for the future of fish farming.



After lunch at the Old Post Office Pavilion food court, the group walked a short distance to the Spy Museum, where we learned all about the history of espionage.

The day ended with a cocktail party at Hook, where we enjoyed delicious seafood appetizers and catching up with old friends.  Thank you to all who attended!