Cacique Update November 11, 2010

“Too Many Themes!”

 By Caciques Augie Cummings and Aubrey Faggen

As the lights of our dorms turned on, we scrambled out of our comfy beds to get ready for the long day ahead of us. Swim and run track presented us with many challenges yet we all strive for our very best, especially when we are coming closer and closer to our “Super Swim” or half-marathon run. Breakfast as always was a delicious plate of grits, eggs and yummy toasted bread.  Our classes took up most of the day. Everyone is finally getting back into our regular school schedule after those crazy three weeks of kayak rotations. Some of us were still working off Governors Harbor baked goods, Homecoming conch fritters and Goombay slushies. Over the last two days our art classes have discussed themes for the art show that will be presented over Parent’s Weekend.  The way we decide on our theme is that we pick our two favorites and write then down. We count those ballets up, and decide a winner. The hard part is, is that we came up with really original themes and it is so hard to pick just one to be our main theme! But whatever we pick, our art show is going to be a fantastic representation of what we have all learned over this semester. Our artwork reflects each one of us in different ways. It is incredible to see the outcome when you put all you’ve got into a project.

Marine ecology was certainly a milestone for us because we received our dive books. The dive yesterday was a beautiful feat, most of our first deep dives. We monkeyed our way down to a whopping 100 feet. The amazing surprise of endless abyss was startling for most of us as we reappeared on the other side of the hole in the wall. The slow pressurized descent, live diving into a draining bathtub, flushed us out into the subterranean waterway that is the ocean below us.

Our night ended with a long dinner circle, and a great dinner to follow. After a few laughs over dinner, everyone headed off to study hours to complete our assignments and even get ahead on some for next week! Although today was a long day, we all pushed through and will definitely enjoy the sleep that we all get tonight.