Cacique Update – November 4, 2010

This morning we had a chance to sleep in and jump slowly into the day. In art class we started our art projects that are to be shown during parents weekend. We all were excited to start and it appeared that everyone had a good idea of what their project was going to be.  There are so many different styles that are being used to answer so many questions that will make our show amazing. Today also provided us with a chance to visit with our buddies at Deep Creek Middle School. I was working with grade 9 and we got so much done in our planning for Deep Creek’s homecoming carnival next February. My group alone was able to acquire a stage and stalls for the event. To finish off the day we have been blessed by rain. The rain is a great commodity here at the Island School providing us with full cisterns, and a full cistern is a happy cistern.


“Our fingerprints never fade from the lives we touch.” -Unknown

Hearing this quote made me think about all the people in my everyday life who are important to me; whether they are back home, one of the 47 students at the Island School, or a member of the faculty. How many times a day, or even a month, do I take time to tell them how proud of them I am? Or what inspires me about them? Or to thank them for their impact on my life?

We, as people, spend so much time speaking, speaking, speaking, but so much of the time we aren’t saying anything.  During community meeting, we engaged in activities centered around the worth in telling others what you value about them. In taking time out of your day to tell a person, with specific examples, that all of the good things they do don’t go unnoticed. We focused on the importance of being articulate, building one another up and seeing the value in the people around us. The day overall was rewarding, and strengthened us as a community.

Thank you for all your support back home.
