Cacique Update October 25, 2010

“K1 Returns!”

By Caciques Clay Bales and Aly Boyce

Today started off with much anticipation for our K1 kayak group returning.  We had classes all morning and a two-hour block for our human ecology presentations. We all enjoyed learning about bio-diesel, compost, bees and conscious consumerism, as the presentations were very interesting and informative. We had art all afternoon to finish our Unit 3 projects, which we will put in the parents weekend art gallery.  Those who finished early had an optional Querencia time, to prepare us for the 48-hours of solo ahead. At circle Clay Bales, Will Overman and Augie Cummings performed the song “I and Love and You” by the Avett Brothers. They played this song as the “quote of the day,” which is usually just a simple quote read at circle meant to reflect life at The Island School.  The song was perfectly symbolic for us now, as groups and community members come and go.

We had an exciting and lively dinner circle and we ate dinner quickly in anticipation for the movie night. Our first movie was “Step Brothers,” which was interrupted by various members of K1 walking in. We were so glad to see them and we all exchanged big hugs and chatted about the adventure that they had returned on. As we settled back in from the kayakers return, we finished “Step Brothers” and started the movie “Fired Up.” Many people returned to the dorms excited for the much needed sleep-in the following morning, but some stayed up still very excited about the reunion. We all went to sleep glad that our bunkmates, best friends and community, minus K2, had been brought back together.