Cacique Update-October 15, 2010

“Endings and Beginnings”

October 15, 2010

by Caciques Meaghan Kachadoorian and Chris Daniell

Today, our five-week academic rotation has officially ended. Already? It’s hard to believe that this phase of our Island School journey has been completed. As the weeks went on, pride developed for the various academic groups we’d been involved in. In research, common experience and challenge created support systems and research group pride. In the minutes after our five-hour research block getting ready for dinner circle, crazy stories buzzed through the air. “There were eleven Nassau grouper at just one reef!” from the patch reef team and “…so after pulling up the line for an hour and a half, the gulper shark came right up alongside the boat!” from deep water shark research. It created an indescribable energy. We were all so excited about what we’d accomplished in the last five weeks; we had a lot to be proud of!


Today was the last day of classes before one of The Islands School’s most anticipated times, Kayak rotations. The day started as always with morning exercise. We students were given the option of yoga, basketball, volleyball or ultimate Frisbee. Everyone was glad to have a chance to play with or against each other on the field, or maybe to get a nice stretch in before the day. As always, breakfast came as a relief to the whole community once again. Although the schedule was the same as any Friday, the classes were not like any other. Each class brought a conclusion of our classes so far, and a brief overview as to what the class will be while half the community is gone to kayak rotations. The shadow of rotations loomed over the entire community, and every student was talking about what groups they would like, who they hoped to have in their groups and excited discussions about where they hoped to go and what they hoped to do in their eight days away. Down Island Trips are a cause for excitement too, and all students are rearing up with anticipation for everything the next three weeks will hold. This last weekend together is also something students here are happy for, whether it be tomorrow’s coffee house or just some down time to ourselves.
