Turn Concerns into Action

I was complaining again to Pam about how airlines do not recycle anything and she said — why don’t you do something about it. I am asking everyone to think about joining me and writing companies anytime you see waste that does not have to happen — maybe through the blog we can share these stories and leverage our collective interest in effecting change — please feel free to join me and send a message to Mr. Parker
Mr. Douglas Parker
US Airways

Dear Mr. Parker,

I just had the opportunity to fly with your company to a conference up at Middlebury College focused on sustainability. I had a nice conversation with one of your flight attendants who agreed with me. She really did not have any idea why the company was not at least recycling aluminum cans. My idea is that you should go all the way and serve in corn starch cups and use recycled napkins — go all the way and then you can tout yourself as the first really green airline because nobody is recycling that I know of. I do know that I and many others would be happy to pay more to fly green knowing that you US Air people were invested in the future.

I also recommend that you read a great book by Ray Anderson. Like you he was once the CEO of a massive company that really did not think green at all. His book called Midcourse Corrections could be a book about you and US Airways — that would be great!!!.

I hope that you think about this advice and if there is anything that I can do to help, please let me know. We
have an army of young people out there that want to see a different kind of world.

Thanks my friend,

Chris Maxey