Cacique Update-September 3, 2010


Caciques: Chris Daniell and Taylor Schendel

Today was a busy day on The Island School campus. For our first math class, we headed out to the sandbar a couple miles offshore. Here we applied our math skill to find the distance to the horizon. As Chris was explaining how “ooids” (the sand particles) form, a pod of dolphins swam towards the anchored boats, which was a true sight to behold. We can all safely say that at this moment we realized this was the greatest classroom we had ever been in. Also, we had our first harkness discussion today, on a key text at The Island School, The Rediscovery of North America. We were all pretty excited for our first night activity, a night snorkel in current cut. Being out in the water with just a dive light was definitely a new experience for a lot of us, and we are all looking forward to more of these tomorrow.