As Summer Term is drawing to a close, here is a recap of a few activities that have been going on this past week! We are excited to have Summer Term families join us for Parents Weekend starting tomorrow!
Shortly after we met Chris Maxey for the first time earlier this week, he took us out on his boat to chase a sunset. The 26 of us (because a third of the community was on their Down Island Trip) all giddily climbed aboard and quickly got situated. Although we have been living here for the past month, many of us have actually not had a chance to fully experience a true Bahamian sunset. It was absolutely wonderful. The deep blue ocean went on forever. When you looked up at the sky, there were no limits. The sun just hung there in all its glory. There is no better feeling in the entire world than sitting on a boat with 25 people who you have only known for a short amount of time, but they are all your best friends.

As the sun went down, everything stopped. We all took in the moment differently, but I think we were all feeling same way. One girl started to cry and although no one else was, we all understood. She told me that because she lives in Houston, TX she never has the time to stop and look at her surroundings. But here, at The Island School, we have that time time and look at our surroundings and take it all in. Each day we see the ocean glistening in an endless manner, but it still always is able to captivate each and everyone of us.
The morning after our boat ride, during our preparation for the Monster Run Swim, a friend of mine and I were running the last section and we were about to turn into campus. We started talking about all the amazing experiences that we have had here. We started talking about the sunset and she turned to me and said “I now know what heaven is.”
After the amazing boat ride with almost all of the community, we all came together as the students and faculty on Down Island came back for the ultimate friendly competition yesterday: a World Cup soccer tournament! Things got intense…

The soccer matches involved all of the members of the Island School community, including some interns from CEI. Advisories played other advisories and things got competitive and heated! All of the students (and faculty!) got really into the games, as they cheered on their teams from the sidelines and on the field. Feet were moving fast up and down the field at the Marina as the soccer ball flew by faces, hit heads, and soared into the goals.
The final game was Scotty advisory vs. Rachel’s advisory. In the end, after Scotty’s team threw a good fight, Rachel’s team came out victorious with a score of 2-0. Everyone enjoyed the final game with excitement and the teams enjoyed a great afternoon with the whole community!
Thanks to Tim and Rebecca for this post!