On Monday, The Island School travelled to Hanover, New Hampshire to visit with alumni and interested families. The Lubrano family (Amelia, Summer 2014) hosted a wonderful evening for alumni and interested students to gather and share stories. Amelia (Su’14) was joined by Sam Hastings (F’12) and Elsa Davis (F’13) to answer questions and describe their experience at The Island School. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Allegra and Steve Lubrano for welcoming The Island School family into their home!
Amelia (Su’14), Elsa (F’13) and Sam (F’12) are doing a great job serving as admissions ambassadors at Hanover High School!
The next reception for The Island School will be in Freeport, Maine on November 19th. Please RSVP with Taylor Hoffman at taylorhoffman@islandschool.org if you are able to make it!
On Sunday night, nearly 50 interested students and families gathered at the home of Pat Wynne and Lou Valente (Jake S’10 and Cole S’14) in Princeton, New Jersey. Although our conversations were around warm and sunny Eleuthera, we took advantage of a beautiful, brisk, fall night and gathered outside to hear from Chris Maxey and Peter Zdrojewski. Cole Valente and Mackenzie Howe (both from Spring 2014) also shared their own experiences about The Island School.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to the Valente family who opened their home to The Island School and all our alumni who were able to answer questions for interested families.
Maxey with Princeton-area alumni: Cole Valente (S’14), Mackenzie Howe (S’14), Maxey, Sophie Ochs (F’13), Duncan MacGregor (F’13), Nick Pibl (Su’14)
Our next reception will be in Hanover, NH on Monday, October 27th. Please email Taylor Hoffman,taylorhoffman@islandschool.org, if you will be able to make it!
Last night, despite the rain, prospective students and their families made their way to the amazing home of Bentley Meeker (parent, Jensen Meeker Su’14) in New York City to learn more about The Island School.
Chris Maxey welcoming guests.
Our all-star alumni, Jensen Meeker (Su’14), Kaven Marte (Su’14), and Evan Wood (S’11) answered questions and shared memories from their individual experiences at The Island School. There was lots of excitement among the interested students, especially the ones who are the first students to apply to IS from their high school.
IS alumni answering questions for the interested students and families.
We want to extend a huge thank you to Bentley and Jensen for hosting us last night! On Sunday, October 19 we will be in Princeton, NJ for another admissions reception. For information on that reception or to RSVP, email taylorhoffman@islandschool.org.
The Island School would like to extend a huge thank you to the Davis family in New Canaan, CT for hosting nearly 40 people in their home on Tuesday night for an admissions reception. Sarabeth Davis (S’14) and Colin Hughes (F’13) answered numerous questions from perspective students and parents. Stories of solo experiences and making jewelry from lionfish spines carried us through the night and we are excited to see the interest coming from Connecticut. Our next reception will be in New York on Wednesday, October 15th. Email taylorhoffman@islandschool.org to RSVP.
Last night over 70 prospective students and their families, recent alumni, and even a few incoming Spring 2015 students gathered at Nicole & Kevin Kelly’s beautiful home (Madeleine S’13, Margaret S’15) in Concord, MA. Attendees learned more about The Island School from speaking with alumni and staff, as well as hearing from S’14 Master Teacher and Thayer Academy Science Department Head, Don Donovan.
This was the largest turn out of accepted students we have ever had at an admissions reception! Ten Spring 2015 students who are eagerly awaiting their March 2nd arrival on Eleuthera met at the reception for the first time.
Ten students from the Boston area who are headed to Eleuthera for the Spring 2015 semester gathered at the Boston reception.
A HUGE thank you to the Kelly’s for opening up their home for the reception. Our next admissions reception is tonight in New Canaan, CT. Email taylorhoffman@islandschool.org for questions or to RSVP.
Our admissions season kicked off with the first reception in Grand Rapids. Island School alumni, interested students and families, and participants of our Teacher’s Conference gathered at the home of Dave and Bev Verdier, Cape Eleuthera Island School board member and alumni parents of Renee S’03, Travis S’05, and Eric S’09. There was a great turnout at the event and many of our alumni left feeling inspired to continue to spread the world about The Island School in their home towns. Please check out our Upcoming Events to see if we will be coming to a town or school near you!
Maxey with 2014 Teacher Conference participants: Kara Kits (Grand Rapids Christian School), Keith Ver Beek (The Potter’s House School), and Bruce Macartney (Forest Hills Eastern High School).
The Island School admissions team is hitting the road this fall and coming to a home near you! Visit the Upcoming Events page on our website for more information.
What a whirlwind week it has been! On Tuesday morning, we left Burlington, VT and headed to Middlebury, VT. We met with prospective students at Middlebury Union High School in the morning where some of our recent alumni (Emily Robinson, F’12; Katie Holmes, F’12) had recruited a bunch of prospective Island School students. That evening, the Robinson family hosted an admissions reception at their beautiful, cozy home just outside of Middlebury in Weybridge, VT. We were happy to meet incoming Island School student and her family, Faith Isham, as well as catch up with some alumni!
On Wednesday morning it was back in the car and hitting the road! The team split up when we reached Hanover, NH. Cam and Taylor set up a table for interested students at Hanover High School, thanks to Elizabeth Keene in guidance, while Sharon drove to Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, NH. At Hanover, we were thankful for our alumni Sam Hastings (F’12) and Abby Smith (Su’13) for sharing their experiences at The Island School with their interested peers. Many friends of current student, Elsa Davis (F’13) also stopped by our table to find out more about The Island School.While in Hanover, we had the opportunity to check in all of our IS alumni at Dartmouth over lunch.
\Mackenzie Carlson (Su’11), Ben Martin-Katz (S’10), Caroline Vanacore (S’11), Gigi Anderson (S’11)
Meanwhile, at KUA, Sharon had a great visit all organized by recent Teacher Conference alumni Eric Russman and Erin Mellow. She also got to meet Tristan Wakeman who will be coming down to IS in Spring 2014, and caught up with Spring 2006 alumna and KUA teacher, Brit Hastings. From Hanover, we had a good 3-hour drive up to Portland, ME where we would stay for the remainder of our trip.
On Thursday morning, we had an appointment at Freeport High School where we met with a number of interested students. A special thanks to Dana Clark in guidance who supports our program and is welcoming us back on 11/12 for her Semester Abroad/Gap/Summer opportunities fair! The rest of the day was filled with visiting IS alumni at colleges in Maine. We had lunch with our Bowdoin alumni in Brunswick and dinner with our Bates alumni in Lewiston.
Christiana Whitcomb (S’09), Hallie Schaeffer (S’10), Julia Rew (F’10), Mik Cooper (F’07)