“Conquering the 4-Mile Swim”
By Caciques Chris Pibl and Sasha Whittle
Today was the exciting day that swim track swam their 4 mile swim! Everyone, including run track, woke up and were excited for the race. All the swimmers loaded up in the vans to depart for the start, while all the runners, still soar from yesterday, got ready in their support spots. Even though the runners were tired and tight from the long run the day before, they found the energy to cheer for swim track all the way to the finish. The swimmers started their Super Swim strong and ready. Each stroke they took they had kayakers or boaters alongside cheering their names. The swimmers cruised through the water and almost all of them saw sharks while they swam. Each swimmer finished the race strong with lots of support at the finish. Weather it was a breeze or the hardest thing they had ever done, everyone finished feeling accomplished with smiles on their face.
For me (Chris Pibl), the first stretch to the turn around point was gruesome. Continue reading