Cacique Update December 3, 2010

“Our Final SCUBA Adventure”

By Caciques Pheobe Fitz and George Giannos

The community began the day with some frantic last minute studying for our Final Oral Assessments in research. FOA’s are different for each research project, but FOA’s help evaluate the students understanding of the scientific method. For example, the Patch Reef FOA was a prompt given to the students, one at a time, asking them to design an experiment on the effects of an invasive shrimp species to the eel grass beds in Massachusetts waters. While waiting for our individual turns to be assessed, we waited with our research groups and prepared for the Research Symposium tomorrow. 

Following FOA’s and a filling lunch, we embarked on our final SCUBA adventure. Continue reading

Cacique Update December 2, 2010

By Caciques Aly Boyce and Chris Pibl

During lunch yesterday, the Island Students went to the Rock Sound Ocean Hole to experience the work of the Ocean Hole Human Ecology project. For this project, the ocean hole team raised awareness by making a sign to inform the public of the history, wildlife, and facts about the ocean hole. After watching their presentation, we ate lunch, jumped into the water and swam in the ocean hole. Later on, the local primary school students stopped by to listen to the dedication of the ocean hole and the ribbon cutting ceremony. We got to know the local primary students while doing arts and crafts with them. We painted conch shells together to decorate around the base of the sign at the ocean hole.  It was a great time for the community to join to see the inspiring work that we have done over the semester. For more on today, watch the following live update by Aly and Pibl:

Cacique Update December 1, 2010

Daisy Spencer and Tucker Beckett 

“Loving Island School”

There was something different about waking up this morning… after struggling to put the flag up, it soon came down only to be replaced with a pirate’s flag while fireworks were being set off making the loudest “pop”, “bang” noises you would ever hear. There was no way anyone was sleepy now. Yarrrrr, this morning was “pirate workout” where we all were privileged enough to see our teachers storm the flagpole dressed as pirates. Where else will you get to see that?

[slideshow]  Continue reading

Exciting CONCHtribution Update!

We’ve got an exciting new CONCHtribution incentive for our alumni classes!  Thanks to a leadership gift from alumni John (F99) and Chuck (F01) Head, classes who receive 60% participation will receive an extra $1,000 toward their total CONCHtribution.  Any class that reaches 75% participation will receive an extra $5,000 toward their CONCHtribution!  With a little less than a month left in the competition, many of the classes are within reach of these goals.  Help your class get an extra boost– click here to give now!

Check out where your class stands as of today… Continue reading

Cacique Update November 30, 2010

“Our Stomachs Full and Our Awareness Raised”

By Caciques Sarah Sasek and Scott Endzel

This afternoon, after a long morning of Research, students and faculty came together once again to work on our Final Human Ecology Projects. An air of excitement filled the campus as the projects that we are so passionate about are coming to a conclusion. After five hours of hard work Chamon, Dorothy, Meaghan, and Allegra Hyde were excited to share with us their project: One Local Meal. Their goal was to create an entire meal using only local ingredients and to share this meal with the community in a family-style dinner. Continue reading

A Poem by DCMS Student Joniquer Munnings


by Joniquer Munnings, Grade 9

I was raised by softball

strike one

Make you wanna throw the bat down

strike two

Tell the 3rd ball to come out of the park

kinda sports.

I was raised by basketball

teammates pass the ball to you

you miss

get the rebound hit a 3 pointer

“Wow Wow!”

that’s the kind of sports.

I was raised by track

running around 3 ½ times

tired, sweat draining down my face

come to the finish line in second

going home with a silver medal

“yaa” that’s the kind of sport.

I was raised by sports

and the person who made me accomplish all these sports

that Mr. Choquette kinda sports.

Cacique Update November 29, 2010

“The Last Weekly Schedule”

By Caciques Margaux Burnham and Hammy Wallace

Today was our last day of formal classes. By dinner time each student had completed their last Histories, Literature and Math classes. While it was sad to close that portion of our semester, in each class we reflected on our work and everyone felt proud of how much they had learned. Now we are all hard at work completing our Portfolios, which are a compilation of all the assignments we’ve done in the past three months. We have specific requirements to include for each class, so it’s quite a large undertaking. However, everyone has been putting a lot of hard work into coming up with a creative way to present their work. Continue reading

First Ever CEI Bike to Teach Tour


By Lissa Eidelman and the Bike to Teach Tour Team

It was 7:30 AM last Monday, when CEI staff convened outside of the Devos Bicycle Center.  Instead of conducting research and running the Institute, this group would spend the week biking to teach across the island.  Our research and sustainability initiatives are only as powerful as the communities they reach.   CEI staff wanted to get the word out about the work we do on the Cape. Continue reading