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A Place of Meaning

This last week the literature department assigned students to write and perform their second round of punctuated personal reflective speeches.  This week’s topic: a 60-second speeches using a location on or near campus to tell a story about a pivotal, profound, or meaningful moment in their Island School semesters.  These speeches were an opportunity to ground their growth in their sense of place here: A Place of Meaning Speech.

Everyday: during lunch, after breakfast, in exploration time, during study hours (with a headlamp spotlight illuminating the performance) I met students in the locations they chose and learned about every emotional inch of this campus.  There was not a single speech that did not make me choke with pride, well-up with gratitude, or grow big eyed in awe of the momentous moments that these students are experiencing each day. And I thought to myself this morning, about to embark on my first Parent’s Weekend as a member of the Island School faculty, that there are a few things you should know about this place, before your arrival:

On girls dorm deck, someone talks to God, to the piercing bright glory of each twinkle looking down on her from the starry night skies. On the boathouse dock someone talks to her father, deceased. She heard him there, and realized there, that if he was there, then he will always be everywhere. A young man led me to a little sprouting palm, humble and barely a foot high.  Continue reading

Cacique Update November 13, 2010

“Saturday Night Poetry” 

By Caciques Perry Leavitt and Chamon McIntosh

The following is a short Cacique Update in poetic form. Perry and Chamon are reflecting on the student’s Saturday night activity: watching the local Conch Stoppers men’s softball team play their second game of the season. A victory! The team is based in Deep Creek and stars many Island School and CEI staff members. Enjoy.

Crowding in the Bus

All students were prepared to watch the game

Cowls and heckles from students and locals

Intense moments where the umpire’s calls were


Under the bright lights

Everyone cheered when the Conch Stoppers caught the last ball

Sad to say the Day is over Cacique Perry and Chamon OUT.

Eight Days, Down Island, Six-Words.

As our collective community jumped back into the academic swing of things this last monday, I had my literature classes write 6-word memoirs reflecting on their experiences during the last three weeks. Students wrote 6-word memoirs describing their Down Island Trips, Kayak Trips, and 48 hour solos on Lighthouse beach. Enjoy the poignant reflection that can only be provided in six words:

Brigid: “Hungry, singing among moonlit beach trash” (solo)

Augie: “Food babies run from booming speakers” (DIT)

George: “lightening crashes near my spoongebob tarp” (solo)

Daisy: “Happiness in the shape of food” (DIT)

Heather: “Time, peace, patience, simplicity, reflection, discovery” (solo)

Sasha: “Songs never stopped, the sun did” (kayak)

Sarah F. “Watching sand crabs in crazy creek” (kayak)

Hammy: “Meet people I thought I knew” (kayak) Continue reading

K3 Down Island Trip

There is no more wonderful way to start the day than cliff jumping into a blue hole in the Bahamian jungle. Each DIT was able to experience this daybreak glory, but only K3 caught it on video. Watch as Daisy, Augie, Jack, Clay, Louise, Hunter, Ellen, Hammy, Lea, Tucker, Allegra and Aly, lead by faculty: Francesca, Gabe and Ashley take the leap, one by one, saluting the morning with screams of joy. And stay to see if Allegra, the last to face the leap, will indeed have the courage to make the jump…

Faculty Spotlight–Meet Kristen Key!

Kristen grew up on the shores of sunny Florida. She received her B.S. in Science Education from Florida State University after completing her student teaching at Maritime and Science Technology Academy (MAST). During the summers of 2007 and 2008, she served as a Science Instructor, lifeguard, and SCUBA rescue diver at Seacamp in the Florida Keys. Most recently, Kristen worked at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA where she spent her weekends volunteering as a Naturalist with Ocean Alliance/Cape Ann Whale Watch. She has also volunteered with Boston’s New England Aquarium as a Science Instructor for Harbor Discoveries marine and environmental science camp. At The Island School, Kristen is teaching Science and is very excited about incorporating SCUBA into the Science curriculum. Outside of teaching, Kristen also enjoys diving, surfing, dancing, and boating with her water pup Reef.

Alumni Spotlight–Katie Romanov F05!

Katie explains Middlebury's Solar Decathalon project

During a visit up to Middlebury last month, we were thrilled to meet up with alumna Katie Romanov (F05) and to hear about her experience working on Middlebury’s Solar Decathlon team.  Middlebury is competing in the 2011 Solar Decathlon competition, a biennial competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy that challenges collegiate teams to build solar-powered houses featuring cost-effective, energy-efficient construction and incorporating energy-saving appliances and renewable energy systems.  Katie is serving the Middlebury team as the Communications and Outreach Lead.  Check out this video about Middlebury’s participation, and see Katie at minute 1:35!

Looking for more pictures?

We’re working hard to find a more efficient way to share pictures with you through our Flickr page.  Living on a remote island makes uploading photos difficult at times; but over the next few weeks, we hope we’ll be able to satisfy your photo cravings here at our Flickr Photostream.  We’re also working on getting all of our past semesters photos up there–so alumni, feel free to search for pictures from Island School days past!

Recycling Rap

This week The Island School and CEI are welcoming students from the St. Andrews school in Nassau, Bahamas. Fourth grade and eighth grade students are getting a taste of sustainable living in The Bahamas as they tour our systems, snorkeling nearby reefs, and learning with staff members. Among the learning was a lesson in recycling, aided by the musical stylings of Island School student Dorothy Long and visiting programs manager Lissa Eidleman performing the “Recycling Rap.”