Cacique Update November 29, 2011

by Caciques AJ and Zeke

Today consisted mainly of preparing for our final projects in human ecology and marine ecology class. We had a yoga class in the morning with Bryna, who is visiting yoga instructor from Rhode Island, which helped us work out all the aches and pains we were still carrying from the super swim. Unfortunately the boat house was being used so swim track had to squeeze into the presentation room, although it was tight, all of us had a few laughs watching ourselves try to pretzel our bodies into healing poses. After breakfast, we launched into our first class, human ecology where we worked on our final presentations for our research projects. Then we had our last community meeting, where we also shared our favorite moments here at The Island School, and what were exited for when we go home. Although it was sad to know we only have a week left here, there was an exited vibe coming from the meeting thinking about our new lives we are going to lead back home. After lunch we had a long block of marine ecology in which all 47 of us rotated through stations in all of the classrooms. We started off class by having a harkness discussion on a paper called “To Live with the Sea,” where we talked about an Marine Protected Area in Madagascar and what made it successful. We then talked about how we could implement their methods here in South Eleuthera.  We used the rest of the period working on our final assignments: our No Blue No Green projects. These consist of a 2-3 minute speech addressing these questions: “How is the ocean important? (ecologically, culturally, economically, ect.)”  and, “What is our connection and responsibility to the ocean?” Teschna and Peter were happy to edit our papers during this block and give suggestions so that when we handed them in they were close to perfection. Sad as it may seem, this summed up our Marine Ecology course here at The Island School.