“A Different Kind of Homesickness”
Caciques: Daisy Spencer and Scott Endzel
“I was really homesick the last hour of being on the camp site, but as soon as my kayak hit the sand at school, I realized I was Island sick.”—Hunter Foote, K1 trip
Going in to our first week of official Island School life, it’s starting to get more exciting around campus. The first groups of scuba divers are now officially certified as of 3:30 this afternoon. During the scuba certification, which should be a simple skill builder (nothing too special) turned out to be a completely unreal experience. A nurse shark cruised around our group as we were trying to master simple skills. Along with the certification, the first two kayak groups came back after three days, which felt like months. The scuba groups didn’t realize how much we missed the kayaker’s until they were already gone. Now the scuba divers are starting their kayak trip and can already feel the Island School sickness inside our hearts.