Daily Update May 25, 2012

It has been a dreary few days, days that are best for our cisterns. The rain doesn’t stop us from filling the whole day through though. Yesterday morning was an anticipated one. All 49 of us were dressed, somewhat awake, and hopefully ready for what was to come. It was the morning of the pig slaughter an experience that entailed a range of emotions. Some of us had welling tears, some were on deck for support, and for some this wasn’t the first time. The setting met to mood well with a raging fire and an ominous dismal gray morning. Although it was a sensitive morning I am always confident that there is plenty of support within our community to leave any experience knowing there are people around to comfort and encourage me and my peers in a time of need.


Then yesterday afternoon was my last dive in Marine Ecology class; we dove CEI’s aquaculture cage. The feeling of diving in its self is nearly indescribable to me but there is almost no better feeling then being immersed in an environment that is supposed to leave you out of place. Although the cage has yet to be filled to the brim with fish there was plenty of colorful marine life to discover. I came in close contact with the largest grouper I could possibly imagine while getting the chance to explore the workings of one of the fascinating projects on campus. While we were down there we took sediment samples to help the aquaculture team further there studies, though it wasn’t a large task it was awfully exciting to lend a hand.

For the run-track team (the land sharks) its our last days to get rested and most importantly hydrated before our final event. The half marathon! An anticipated event that left me anxious and uncertain early in the semester, now has me confident in my capabilities and drives me to push myself beyond any limitations I had previously. I have no set time and no set pace, but the work I have put into this semester leaves me hopeful that I can run all 13 of those miles which surpasses any goals I could even envision. Each and every one of us has show growth and confidence in our capabilities and I am certain that we will do the best we are capable of and beyond.