One topic we think about a lot here at the Island School is how to live as sustainably as possible. Dealing with human waste is an issue that we’ve tried to confront many times in the past, but until now haven’t found a practical solution. There are several reasons as to why the issue of human waste is so problematic. First of all, pumping it out to be driven to a landfill is bad for the environment since it leaches into the ground, which can pollute both fresh groundwater and ocean water. Also, burning it releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which contributes to the widely discussed issue of global warming. Currently we have created a waste water, or, as it is more affectionately known, “Poo-poo” garden on campus to handle our waste. Toilets, sinks, and showers run into this garden, where solids settle out and liquids gravity flow to two beds, providing nutrients that promote plant growth, especially for thirsty plants like bananas. But what about the solids? How can we find a final resting place for our human waste? Continue reading