M-Morning Exercise hit us hard with Bizzaro Tracks. Swim Track ran the loop, Run Track Swam to the Triangle before sprinting at Water Polo.
A-After works outs, chocolate chip pancakes greeted us warmly in the Dinning Hall with a guest appearance from Granola.
Y-Yesterday’s homework proved helpful in class. Math made connections as we calculated our latitude.
T- Tea sparked our taste buds in Literature while the orchard became our classroom and brought the text’s images to life.
H- Hanging out in Art was fun as we prepped for our final art gallery which is approaching quickly on Parents’ Weekend.
I-Insisting on being the first in line, we all raced to lunch after class, only to be surprised by the pasta and tomato soup meal waiting for us.
R- Research class came next, presentations to be performed in front of Parents’ Weekend guests were made and perfected throughout the afternoon.
T- Toilet cleaning professional became the cacique for tomorrow for his inspirational passion for keeping boy’s dorm pristine.
E-Exceptionally good dinners for all took the form lasagna. Cranberry bread washed down the noodles, all smothered in butter.
E-Everybody filled the presentation room to hear about coral and sedimentation.
N-Nothing caught our attention like watching parrotfish excrete calcite crystals onto coral reefs.
T-Time for some homework, we shouted with joy. The best part of the day had finally arrived.
H-Heading back to the dorms after a long, but good day, our beds seem quite appealing, we really must say.