Cacique Update March 20, 2011

by Caciques JP Ferro and Annie Morris

Whether it was reflecting on our lives at sunset beach, snorkeling at 4th hole, or simply picking tropical fruit in the inner loop, this Sunday was a personal and relaxing day off for all of the Island School students. Sleeping in was a great way to recover from our daily exercises and busy schedule. The boys started the day off with a bowl of granola followed by a deep clean of their dorm. The girls started off their day with the same breakfast and a couple hours of productive studies before circling up for brunch. Following brunch, a majority of the students left campus to explore. We, Annie and JP, both enjoyed soaking up the sun at sunset beach surrounded by our peers; this was a moment that I felt that everyone had connected with each other. We were all laughing together while sharing stories and common past times such as loving TV shows like “Glee” which we all watch. This Sunday was an important day for everyone because friendships are establishing along with getting used to the Island School routine.