Cacique Update March 16, 2011

by Caciques Teddy Lamont and Sam Essig

“Ahhh!!!” screamed the entire Island School at 6pm dinner circle. After yet another jam-packed day on the gorgeous island of Eleuthra, the two of us were definitely feeling the stress of the day setting in, and we thought everyone else might be too. We, as caciques, decided to organize a collective “exertion of voices” in order to relieve their mixed emotions: excitement, eagerness, exhaustion, or any of the thousands of other emotions Island School students experience ever day. After everyone yelled, wiggled, and pranced there stress away, we took a few moments to reflect on the events of our stimulating day. The day started off with a luxurious sleep-in, which lasted until 7:30! (That’s a.m. not p.m…) We woke up refreshed and ready for our third day of classes. Today marked the beginning of our Marine Ecology course; after going through a few days of the challenging and tedious process of getting scuba certified the previous week, we were happy to have the chance today to put our skills to work at Tunnel Rock. A progression of our knowledge was also apparent, making everyone feel a sense of satisfaction, since we were capable of identifying almost every aquatic species we saw. Another highlight was when I (Teddy) had a “tea party” underwater with my diving buddy; however when our masks filled with water due to our laughter we thought we should go back to observing fish. Those of us who didn’t scuba dive today embarked on a Human Ecology adventure instead and explored the nature and landscape of the old Cape Eleuthera Resort. We wrapped up the day with a delicious pasta dinner followed by either a writers workshop or a Marine Ecology quiz. As the day comes to a close and study hours began, we were both happy with the way the day turned out and we couldn’t wait to continue to learn and explore tomorrow.